I want to publicaly thank Julie Johnson for putting a grieving family
in touch with me. This couple just lost their "BIG" Black Sable boy
and was looking for another who was simular to him. Julie had posted
on a yahoo group we both belong to asking if any NJ rescues had a Black
Sable boy for adoption. I responded and all day long we were e-mailing
each other back and forth. After I sent her pics of Odin & his cagemate
Scarlet she put the family in touch with me. I talked to both the
husband & wife and with the recomendations from Julie & Helen this
couple was aproved to adopt this pair. We will be meeting at the
couples house in November (abut 2hrs from me) so I can also do my
home visit.

Thanks to Julie this 1 1/2yr old pair will be getting a new forever
home for Christmas and the couple will be adopting a great pair of kids
to fill the void in their hearts from their recient losses. Now this is
how our rescue/shelter system is suposed to work. Not just looking out
for and helping just ourselves, but each other as team players and most
importantly the little angels. I have always refered people to
rescues/sheters in the person's own state or even close to their own

Thank you again Julie!


Debi Sadowski
Fuzzy Loving Ferret Rescue & Ferretry
Established in 1998

[Posted in FML 6482]