as i type my dearest sweetest Aona lays in my arms-- dying... she is
passing blood and was seizing without stop-- I am sure she's blown an
ulcer-- now she's resting peacefully against my heart-- but seems to
have slipped into a coma.. there is no vet in our town after hours and
the nearest good vet is hours away.. i know in my heart she won't make
the trip-- so I hold her and say my good byes.. too many in such a
short time..

she is part of Dr. W's GNRH study and had just gotten another shot
last week--- do you think I have killed her??.. oh, god ... I hope she
understands I was trying to help her and other ferrets-- I so wanted to
find a cure for adrenal disease.. but I just can't risk it.. anymore--
I pray my other study kids survive the next year-- I have lost 3 of
them so far... I just didn't think it was related until now.. Now, I
am so scared for my babies..

I am so sorry Nala, Bandit and now Aona---

I'll report this all to Dr. W and see what he thinks.. but, I just
can't do it anymore..

I hope for better result for others and I hope the desolorin turns out
for the best--

I myself will wait until we KNOW.

thank you my friends for listening and please PRAY for my Aona and for
the other's who have recently had the shot,,, I will be holding vigil
for them as well,,

Kodo, Thunder, Lightning,Clyde, Stewart and Mackenzie-- please pray I
am wrong-- and they will be safe...

please pray for Aona to be painfree and to cross the Bridge knowing I
LOVED her..too much.. But I LOVED her.

[Posted in FML 6481]