Hello,  I'm one of those curious sorts....

I read about the lady with the little buddy with the skin condition.
I know that ferrets immune systems are close to humans, and I was
thinking..... they use zinc topically on exema (sp?) and similar rashes
for humans with great success. Do ferrets need zinc ? can he have a
deficiency ? Or is zinc toxic to our pals?

My next question has to do with those super new 1 yr implants. what is
the chemical difference, and if my adrenal ferret requires both
melatonin and the shot of (dang it, the name evades me), is he able to
do this implant or is it only good for kids that just need melatonin?

My kids are just getting to where bad things can happen, and I want to
keep informed so I can take the best care of them possible. These are
my first business of ferts, though I grew up with cousins who had them.
I waited to know I could take care of them well.

Cindy & the 7

[Posted in FML 6478]