>I have a question about sub q fluids for ferrets. I had a vet tech
>teach me how to give them to ferrets. Out of curiousity, is there
>anything I can use aside from an IV bag? Or can I purchase it anywhere
>beside from my vet?

It really must be an IV bag. You'll be injecting the contents directly
into your ferret, so it's critical that it (and all of the equipment)
is sterile. The last thing you want to do is introduce an infection to
an already-sick animal.

There are places online where you can purchase IV bags, but in my quick
check, they all required a prescription.

Remember you'll need the syringes/needles as well, but you can purchase
those without prescription.

You may be able to get your vet to give you a prescription, and then
you could order online.

Kevin Farlee

[Posted in FML 6449]