Some of you know Hercules (Prince of Olympus) full Danish Angora. He is
such a hansome boy! I cannot blame a gal for being attracted to him.
But, his girlfriend is a real stinker!

There is a skunk that has taken up residence under our shed/garage.
Right next to our motorhome. It seems very gentle, but not too
friendly. Keeps it distance. It lays on the motorhome step, right
outside where Herc's (and Pandora's) cage is. I know it can smell
the ferrets scent.

I take the kids outside, Hercules likes to walk the rail on the front
deck. Herc is not a free roamer, I let him out of his cage when I am
home, he loves to go down to the front stormdoor and/or look out the
front bay window. He doesn't try to go out. He is actually afraid of
outside. When he walks the deck rail, I actually have to stay real
close to him, if he gets spooked, he jumps into my arms and clings on
to me. I have to take him in. When I take the Herc and Pande a walk
in the stroller, Herc wants out and carried. He is a super holder and
Mammas boy. Pandora (Princess of Stonebeary) is a very independent
young lady. A lot of attitude.. She is also Hercules, niece by Hercs
littermate. They are like day and night. (Pandora got a mouse, Herc
could have cared less about it)

The skunk does not like the dog at all, but refuses to let the dog
intimidate it. I am getting off track. Hubby has found the skunk on the
front porch at the door when he takes the dog at 5 AM. Hangs around
late at night. He finds it laying on the Motorstep as I said before.

Do you think this is just coincidence? I was wondering if maybe an
Angora has a stronger scent than a regular domestic ferret. Herc and
Pande are both fixed but not decented. And yes they both Herc and
Pande can and have poofed. Hercules is 4 1/2 lbs. would that cause him
to have a stronger scent to the skunk. Herc has more of a scent than
Pandora I am just trying to figure out why this skunk has not moved
on. Never had one stay, this one has been hanging around for a little
over a week. There is no trash for it to root in! Is it looking for a

I know nothing of skunks. Do I just have a great location?? Or could
the skunk be hanging around the ferrets?? Hubby teases that Herc has a
girl friend...but we don't know could be a him skunk?? Could the skunk,
think the ferrets scent could be another skunk. Hey maybe Pande has a
boyfriend. I do not want to hurt it or scare it, but do want it to find
another place to live. I would rather have it in the woods where it
belongs. The last thing I need is trip over it on my way out the door.
I do not trust to have an exterminator trap it. They say they turn
them loose, but I do not beleive it. I am thinking moth balls under
the shed/garage? Any suggestions?

[Posted in FML 6471]