..do we talk to the deaf ferrets? We all do it. We look right at them,
even while their backs are to us and talk to them. "Come here (insert
your deaf ferret's name) WB. Mama needs to see you." And you stand
there and wonder why they ignore you. At least when they are looking at
me and see my lips moving I figure they know something is going on. But
when their backs are facing us? Are when they are snuggled in somewhere
in the ferret room asleep and I stand there and call their name?

Now when I am holding them and have them snuggled up under my chin and
they can feel the vibration when I speak, that is different. I can't
help but think this can be comforting to them. It is warm and safe and
has mommy's scent and a nice low vibration. Out of our current 14
ferrets, 5 are deaf. Funny, all of the white one. They didn't all start
out white but have roaned into being white over the years. One, WB Fert
(White Boys can jump!) is an albino and the rest are DEWs. All but one
has a kink in their tails. All but one is completely deaf. Does this
change their ferrety behavior in any way? No, they just go along with
the others however, you do have to play "hunt the deaf ferret" when it
is time to change businesses. After all, no matter how much I talk to
them, they simply will not respond!!!

Jane, Ferret mommy to the Bradley Bunch in VA

[Posted in FML 6471]