Lately I have been supervising the introduction of two ferrets to each
other. One, a small female, has plenty of ferret experience and is glad
to have a new friend. The other, an average-sized male, has lived most
of his life alone and while he is friendly to us and friendlier to her
by the day, he's been a bit overwhelmed by it all and has yet to be
comfortable around her. I know he will, though, just from the progress
he's made in the 11 days that we've had him. There's no serious biting
and no shaking, and no pooping, just a lot of running and hissing.

My question: in watching the two of them interact, I often see the
female ferret roll over on her back when they are wrestling/gingerly
playing/testing each other. My husband remarked, "oh, that's good,
she's showing her belly to say she's non-threatening, just like a dog."
That made me wonder, though--does that behavior mean the same thing in
a ferret as in a dog? Personally I'm not sure it doesn't mean more "ha
now I can kick you in the stomach!" especially given that he outweighs
her by probably a good pound, so she can't really tackle him. She
more than holds her own with him in their tubes, where his weight
isn't really any advantage (it makes me think of Bigwig and General
Woundwort :), so I don't think she's necessarily showing submission
to him. Anybody have any ideas what a ferret belly means?

Sissy:  I am trying to be your friend, chill out buddy!
Edgar:  Hiss!!!!! jumpjumpjump

[Posted in FML 6471]