I was not attacking her Barb. Our NJ laws in respect to ferret and
exotic rescues are different from yours in MD. Please do not make
accusations when you don't know our laws or have all the facts.

Giving the NJ Department of Fish & Wildlife Permit Sector Heathers's
information was not to harm Heather or her ferrets but to help her and
give her the opertunity to become legal in my state, to give her the
chance to file the proper paperwork and be inspected so she can be a
legal ferret rescue. NJ F&W also refer people to the legal rescues for
surrendering and adoptions.

You are making me out to be some kind of monster and that's not fair. I
have not slammed you and I have even sent people to you for adoptions
when I don't have any rescues to adopt out or they are calling me from
your area. I refer people to other rescues too, in and out of my state.

I live in this state and follow the laws, rules and guidelines. You
don't live here so you probably don't know them and I have tried to
explain them to you, but it's falling on deaf ears and I'm being
slammed on another group as a result. I don't know your states rules
and laws nor do I claim to, but I do know mine as far as exotics go,
what is allowed, what is not and the legal protical.

I'm hoping Heather fills out the application to be a legal rescue, god
knows we need more here.

You had made accusations about the orthorities siezing and putting down
the ferrets, that's not true (Please do not compair my state to CA as
our laws are different.) and if you researched our laws you would know

To own a ferret in NJ you have to file an application with NJ F&W for
a Hobbiest permit. You can own as many as you want and it only costs
you $10 a year to renue the permit. To be a legal rescue or breeder, we
also have to file an application with NJ F&W, go through an inspection
and pay a $100 permit fee each year with your renual which also
includes paper work we have to fill out and send in the white copies
for the temporary permits for any ferrets sold or adopted out which is
sent in at the end of the year. The one who may be causing the harm is
you, by making your accusations and saying on the yahoo board that you
don't give a rat's a** about our laws. I want ferrets to stay legal in
NJ, but if too many non legal rescues start pooping up NJ F&W may some
day say the hell with it and say we can't have anymore ferrets, so how
is your way of thinking helping? It's not.

As I said to you on the Ferret Shelter Council board where you are
slamming me, I'm working with NJ Department of Fish & Wildlife to make
sure people are not posing as legal rescues when in fact they are not
or are possible hoarders. {I had recieved a ferret, Jerd and wild
caught Sugar Glider from one of these hoarder seizures. It broke my
heart to see these poor animals in this condition because no one
reported this person to have this person checked out by NJ F&W. It
only came to light when someone complained about a horrific odor coming
from the home.} They will have every opertunity to fill out the same
paperwork I did when I became a rescue many years ago. Jane Cheryl and
her supervisor Linda are realy nice people and willing to talk to &
help anyone who wants to be a rescue in our state, but rules, laws and
guidelines must be followed. If you are a legal rescue here and someone
calls foul claiming your a hoarder, the permit may be able to help
protect you and cover your butt. So how is what I'm doing hurting

Sukie once said a few years ago, before making accusions, VARIFY,
VARIFY, VARIFY. Unless you talk to Jane or Linda from NJ Fish &
Wildlife (I gave you their phone number) you are making empty
accusations and scaring people in my state from become legal.

Being a legal rescue or breeder can help protect you and the animals
you care for, not being a legal one.............

So again, I'm not trying to hurt anyone, just trying to help and I'm
sorry you can't see that.

I apologized to everyone if I'm rambling, it's just I'm kinda upset and
tired of being attacked and being called such a horrible person. Anyone
who realy knows me and has personaly dealt with me, knows my passion
for the ferrets and would never do anything to harm them or their

I thought we were suposed to help each other to do what's right &
legal, not to try and slit each other's thoats. Am I wrong in thinking
this way?

Debi Sadowski
Fuzzy Loving Ferret Rescue & Ferretry
Established in 1998

[Posted in FML 6469]