It was a very rare rainy day at de Bridge. So SaraFerret and de kits
were all snug in dere cottage. Of course she KNEW dat no ferrets would
be crossing on such a lousy day. Why in heavens was it raining. De kits
were playing with dere toys and for once dey were quiet and she was
catching up on crocheting little eggs dat dey loved to play with. There
she had about two dozen. All fo a sudden she heard a knock-knock at de
door. Dey all froze: dey all knew what dat meant. Serena was de first
one to reach de door and opened it. Dere stood Mimi, de little girl
courier, with a note in her paw and boy was she soaking wet. Serena
invited her in and Mimi said,

"SaraFerret, I know it is raining outside and I don't know why. Its
such a rare happening. But I have dis special request for you to greet
one of the NZ ferrets. Do you want me to get the ones she requested? I
read the note before I got here."

She handed me de note and I read it and I sent her on her way. I
grabbed a seldom-used umbrella from de closet and headed for de
entrance. I was just in time to meet a handsome cinnamon point fuzzy
gentleman waiting for me at de entrance. (Just den of course de sun
came out -- of course I felt like such a goof standing dere with an
umbrella with de sun blasting down).

He looked at me and said, "My I just love a young lady with a parasol."
(A parasol? I thought to myself -- mercy.) Of course at that moment I
released the umbrella and then the ever-charming fellow said, "Mercy,
you look just look a Christmas angel with those wings." (I thought to
myself, this fuzzy has been to charm school or something, he is such
a flatterer. If I could have blushed it would have been clear down to
my toes.) But I quickly recovered and said,

"Thank you, however, I am not a Christmas angel. I am SaraFerret and
I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Dis is your new
forever home. Here you will have no pain or suffering. You will have
lotsa friends and run on green grass forever. Did I mention de fun and

He replied, "Ah, my lady, I am Crusty, of the famous NZ ferrets. Of
course you must have heard of us. My main mum was Michelle, but then I
went to live with Daddy Kevin. But of course you must know all of them.
I got very sick so they said it was time for me to make my long trek
to live with friends here, but I don't see anyone here but you. But I
guess you and I can make quite a lovely couple. I like all sorts of
things, but I didn't get bring them with me, do'ya think you have a
variety of things I love here? And oh yes, your wings are quite lovely

"Its so nice to meet you Crusty." I said. "I have heard so many things
about your famous family. Not to worry dere are loads of NZs here, so
you won't be a bit lonely and dere are plenty of other fuzzies here as
well, you know, Americans, Canadians, Danes. And yes, we have quite a
number of things you like here. But you won't have to hide dem away.
We have enough for everyone. Stacks and stacks of dem in fact. As for
de wings, you are going to get your very own pair-- not girly ones
like mine -- boy ones for you--dey are perfect for flying about de
heavens -- sure beats hopping from cloud to cloud."

So off we went down de garden path to de Wing House where de wings were
stored. We opened de door and to his surprise--dere was his cagemate --
Latte to help him. Dey both went to de counter where dere was a big box
marked Crusty. He opened de box and took out de wings -- bright blue
with little red and white stars -- perfect for an NZ fuzzy. Latte
helped him put on his wings and I adjusted his halo. He ran to de big
vanity mirror and gazed at his reflection. Den he turned to me and
said, "Gee I wish Mum Michelle and Dad Kevin could see me now." Den I
gots an idea.

As we went out de door, dere was a group--Mercy so many, Ash, Shorty,
Chocolate, Chrony, Siteva. Wow was he excited. "See, I said, I told you
dere would be lotsa friends here." We went down de path to de Misting
Pond and sat down beside de cool clear water. With one swish he saw a
vision of his family appear. He got so excited he started waving and
dooking with all of his might.

"I love you Mum and Dad. Thank you for loving me. It is beautiful here.
There are lots of friends here. I have lovely wings and soon I will be
able to fly. Everyone says we have lots of toys here too, so don't
worry that I wasn't able to take any with me."

Den he began to throw hugs and kisses and wrapped dem with all of his
love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star and by de time you should
read dis it should have landed dere. And with another swish de vision
was gone.

We left dere and went down de road to dere wonderful cottage and of
course dey had planned a party. You could see streamers hanging all
around and of course de beautiful NZ flag a-waving above dere cottage.
Music was playing and fuzzies from all nations were coming over. Crusty
could not believe his eyes. I could see a picnic was laid out. Food of
all kinds, esp. that so dear to a fuzzy's heart and oh-so-forbidden on
earth. I was invited to stay and dance and party. But as usual I had
other tasks to do so I gave Crusty a hug and promised to visit later.
I said my good-byes and headed for home.

But I thought to myself, Wowsie, dat boy sure was a charmer.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6467]