I am afraid I need to vent, and you guys will understand and care. Late
last night, i had a knock at my door, a guy I know from assisting him
with his ferrets previously was there. He wanted to know if I would
take his 4 ferrets. No problem, then he told me one of them was dying.
He has been out of work, and split from his girlfriend who actually
originally wanted the ferrets. He just started a new job, and has been
working long hours, no time for the ferrets.....and no money to feed
the ferrets.

They all were dehydrated, hungry, dirty and skinny. The smallest Dot
was lethargic and weighed 11 oz (she is 1 year-1 1/2 years old!) I did
sub-Q fluids, and syringe fed her last night, and she saw the vet this
AM. We do not know if she is going to make it, although her organs have
not shut down, she is in terrible shape. According to the blood work,
my vet believes she has been without food off and on for awhile. She
had a small seizure, and no strength at all. She is trying to eat
though so we are going to try for 48 hours or so and re-evaluate

I am furious, and in tears at the same time, this is the worst neglect
I have seen personally and it bothers me so much that I am shaking with
it. I want so much to save her and give her a good life, but I am so
afraid the damage may be too much.

The other 3 seem ok, ate and drank so much last night I was afraid they
might be ill, but they are fine.

I do have pictures also, e-mail me @ [log in to unmask], if you would
like to see them. I am sorry this is so long, but I believe you will
understand! You guys have no idea how happy I am that I posted that
first time. I really appreacate all the kind words and support you
have offered. This has been a day when all of that really helped me
to get through the day, just knowing others care too!

[Posted in FML 6465]