Hey everyone,

I have a couple questions for you all.

Frist, I would like to thank everyone that has emailed me concerning
the passing of my little Ruby. You words of sympathy have been so very
comforting. Thank you all! Bear is doing well with his new buddy Taz.
They seem to be getting along quite well. They play an romp and it is
so nice to see Bear out and about again doing what he loves to do.

That leads to my first question. When Taz and Bear are out of the cage
playing together they will do all the normal ferret stuff. They will
wrestle and bit on each others neck, not as to casue pain but in play.
But when they get in the cage it seems like Bear just becomes
submissive. Taz will get his mouth on Bears neck and they both will
just lay there and sometimes strangly fall asleep that way. I have seen
them laying there completely asleep with Taz latched onto Bears neck.
Is this normal or is it something I need to worry about? If it isn't
normal, what can I do to stop it? Like I said, Bear isn't "screaming"
in pain or anything. Taz isn't dragging him around the cage either.
They just lay there, sometimes side by side and others on top of one
another. But them falling asleep that way seems strange to me.

My second question has to do with Ferritone and Feri-Vite. Is it
alright to feed both of those at the same time to my kids? I noticed
that they have some of the same vitamins in them, although the
Ferritone has the omegas and such. I don't want to overload them on
something if it going to be dangerous to thier health.

Thanks again to all you here at FML that have emailed me. Also, a very
special thanks to Sarah Ferret for helping my Ruby across the Rainbow
Bridge.. I know she is having a wonderful time now. Her and Prince can
play again and keep one another company. That thought warms my heart
and eases the pain of my loss. I did hear your whisper Ruby and I hope
you heard mine too. The funny thing is the night before I got the FML
post from Sarah Ferret I did see a shooting star and I want to think
that it was from Ruby and Prince letting me know that they are watching
me and that they love me. I send that love to the both of you too. I
will miss you both but will always cherrish every moment that you were
in my life.

Peace and love,

[Posted in FML 6464]