Hi everyone! My name is Melissa and I need some advice/help.

I have owned ferrets before...but it's been awhile. The last time I
had them, I was 15 and now I'm 25. I had 6 ferrets at one time (when
I was 15) because a lady in my town got in trouble for having too many
animals in her house. I had already had 2 ferrets at the time and I
adopted the 4 ferrets she had owned. She also had 20 or so cats and
about 10 dogs, who were also all adopted out. All of the ferrets I
had at that time were a lot older than the babies I have now - the
youngest was 4 and the oldest was 7. They all passed away by the time
I graduated high school.

Now, I have 2 ferts - a gib who I was told is about 9 months old and
named Benny and a sprite who is about 7 months old and named Joon. I
don't remember my other ferrets being this wild! The only time they
ever sit still is when they're in their cage - sleeping. If they're out
and about, they spend all of their time playing, running, and getting
into things. My other ferrets were energetic, but they also liked to
crawl up on my lap for petting and sleeping. I'm wondering - is this
an age thing? Will they calm down with age? I'm also wondering if it
has something to do with their former people - the people weren't home
enough so Benny and Joon didn't get out of their cage enough. At my
house, they're out most of the time.

They don't mind being handled, as long as it's only for a minute or
two, then they're twitching to be let go. Benny also likes to nip my
feet if I pull him away from something potentially dangerous or even
if I move him because he's in the way. He also thinks feet are his
personal toys and will gnaw on them even if their owner tells him a
firm "NO", scruffs him, and gently shakes him. He just thinks this
is an invitation for more rough-housing.

I've never had a problem with any ferrets nipping. The only training
I've ever really had to do was litter box training. I even volunteered
at a shelter when I was a teen and none of the ferts ever nipped me.
But then, most of them were older than Benny.

So, if anyone has any advice for me, I would very much appreciate it!
Any help at all regarding anything - diet, housing, etc. - is welcome!

Benny & Joon

[Posted in FML 6462]