Linda, go to the site and click on the donate (click to give) button
and over the top of the subsequent thank you there will be a place to
click to vote for your favorite shelter. Click on that and when it
opens up, type Educated Ferret in the name of the shelter and MA in
the state. It will give you Educated Ferret in South Hadley, MA - the
only one found. If you go back the next day, it should remind you of
the place you voted yesterday. Remember that the vote is final only
after you write in the name of the animal on the next page.

Renee Downs
"Eventually we will realize that if we destroy the ecosystem we
 destroy ourselves." Jonas Salk
"The most effective way to do it, is to do it." Amelia Earhart
It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets
the credit!
Ferret Emergency Response, Rescue & Evacuation Team (F.E.R.R.E.T.)

[Posted in FML 6458]