Alexandra in Ma had an unusual experience with ferret droppings. Over
the years I have had different ferret pull pranks like that, some
totally disgusting, others creating an ire within me that exceeded
anything from anything prior and it just keeps on going as time keeps
on going.

Pester had her own poo pile that took me a bit of time to find. I had a
large plastic storage container against the wall. Pester would back up
and squeeze her tiny butt between the wall and container and fire off
a fresh elongated tootsie roll to join an already pile as large as she
was. With that being gone and cleaned up I have to watch the litter pan
or where she 'usually' goes to make sure the pile grows in appropriate
mass to equate her normal offering to the world.

The best one was RePete and my umbrella. A neighbor gave me an
umbrella, was a sales gadget he got free from some salesman, not being
needed he gave it to me. I came to really love that umbrella where it
had a plastic sheath that crumpled into itself like a folding water
cup to house it when not being used. It was stored in a corner near
the front door, was always there but came up missing! I thought after
having turned this house inside out that I had left it in a shopping
cart at Walmart and gave up the six month search for it. Then one day I
happened to look for something under the family room couch, a sleeper
sofa that is so heavy it virtually never gets moved, and lo and behold,
there was that umbrella!

RePete had knocked it down, dragged it down the hall, into the family
room, behind the couch and then UNDER the couch!

Nibble-ed had her ways of getting under my skin. I could not find the
car keys, looked all over so having to go I got the spare set. Those
keys were not found after several days of looking in all the usual
most likely places. Then I thought of where Nib would hide her 'gold'
findings under the bed. Sure enough, there beside a pile of pens,
pencils, and other small things were my keys! But there was something
new there I had not come to miss quite yet, my watch! Ha!

Nib had figured out how to climb up the corner of the fire place to the
hotel courtesy table where she would push things off over the edge,
jump down and hide them! Most clever for sure, but maddening more than

So they all have their traits. The poo pile is one to be wary of but
you need a dozen extra eyes to catch them all.

Gordon, Peekaboo and Pester-Doodle

Rev. J. Gordon Bengtson
Aarrow-Ranch Aviation
Mechanicsville, Virginia  23111

[Posted in FML 6456]