Ir was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was cleaning up de cottage
once again with de kits' help. Serena was picking up de toys and Isabel
was trying to move things out of de way. All of a sudden dey heard a
knock at de door. Isabel ran to open it and dere stood Mimi with a note
in her paw. She said,

"SaraFerret, here is a note from the Boss. A ferret is crossing the
Bridge and his Mommy has requested that you greet him. Oh yes, very
important: he is blind, so you may need to know that. Do you need me
to help you find any ferrets?"

She gave me de note and I read it and I sent her on her way to fetch
the fuzzies. I gave de kits a hug and headed for de entrance. I saw an
elderly sable ferret who was trying to make his way across: carefully
putting one paw in front of the other--actually he was doing rather
well for a little blind fellow. Finally he made it across and all of
a sudden he rubbed his eyes and looked around and then stretched his
body and then rubbed his eyes again.

He said, "Wow, I can see. And who are you?"

I introduced myself, "I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter.
Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you
will have no more pain or suffering. You will have lotsa friends and
run on green grass forever. Did I mention de fun and games?"

He said, "I am Kieran and I belong to Mommy Laryssa. Do you know her?
She was so very good to me. She has lotsa ferrets. She always used to
hold me and play with me. But then I got so I couldn't see anything. I
even played with our cat Meow. I don't spose you have any cats here to
play with, do you? I know you said I would have lotsa friends to play
with but I don't see anyone here but you, but I guess you and I can be
friends. I can get along with just everyone. I used to be a pretty good
mouser too, so if you have any mousies here, well I can just clear them
out for you."

"Hmmm," I said, "You have a lot of questions, so I will see if I can
answer them all. I don't know your Mommy personally, but I have heard
so many good things about her. Yes, cats come over here occasionally to
play with us and we have a few bonded cats who do live here--they were
ones who thought they were ferrets. But you will have plenty of chances
to meet them. As for friends, you will meet them later, don't worry,
you won't be stuck with me only for a playmate, altho I would be happy
to be your friend. As for the mouser thing, we have a bit of a problem
there. You won't be able to do that here. You see, here we have some
mousies here that are our dear friends, so you can't attack mousies."

With a look of shock, he said, "Nooooo?"

I shook my head and said:"No."

"But I tell you something that is even more fun that you will get."
And I proceeded to fly up in the sky and do flips and somersaults and
then swoop down in front of him.

He asked, "How did you do that?"

"With my wings." I replied. "You will get your very own pair. Now don't
worry. Your wings will be your own color and won't be girly wings like
mine. I know boys are always worried about dat."

We went down de path to de Wing House where de wings were stored. But
right at de door, to his surprise, we were met by his two big sisters,
Okojyo and Zip. Dey both gave him a big hug. We all went inside and on
de counter was a big box marked Kieran. He opened de box and took out
de wings--silver with green tips--perfect for a ferret that had lived
so long. Okojyo helped him put on his wings and Zip adjusted his halo.
Then he ran to de big vanity mirror. When he looked in de big vanity
mirror he was amazed at de handsome fuzzie staring back at him. He
turned to me and said, "Gee I wish Mommy Laryssa could see me now."
Den I gots an idea.

As we went out de door, well dere was his little sis, Frejya, waiting
for him with a hug. So we went down de path to de Misting Pond. We sat
down beside de cool clear water and with one swish we saw a vision of
Mommy Laryssa appear. Kieran got so excited he started waving and
dooking with all of his might.

"I love you Mommy. Thank you for loving me. I can't be a mouser here
cause its against the rules but guess what I have got the best wings
in the world and you wont believe what I will be able to do with them,
somersaults and everything. I can see everything now, Mommy and I feel
so good now."

Then he began to throw hugs and kisses and laid dem on a nearby
shooting star and by de time you should read dis it should have
landed dere. And with another swish de vision was gone.

So we left dere and went on another road and we saw Data, another of
his family holding a big sign "Welcome Kieran." "How did everyone know
that I was coming?" he asked. "Oh we has our ways." I replied. Then
finally we arrived at Laryssa's Hideaway which was easy to spot. There
were fuzzies running in and out. Music was playing full blast. Food was
being carried in. You could see a party was beginning. Kieran wondered
who de party was for. Data whispered, "Kieran, why its for you, a
welcome to the bridge party. And just wait till you see what else we
have planned for you later on. Oh you will have so many surprises to
look forward to from now on." I went inside and wow, was de place
packed. Dere was barely room to stuff a mousie into. Oops did I really
say dat? I could see everyone chatting to Kieran and making him feel at
home. So I made my way over to him and gave him a hug. I was invited to
stay and eat and dance. But mercy, I was tired and knew I had a cottage
to clean and maybe a sky to fly in myself. So I said my goodbyes.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6452]