This is the first time my wife and I have been to a Buckeye Bash and I
have to admit... I have never seen such large ferrets in my life. Have
I lived a sheltered life? I didn't think so... but perhaps I did! We
went as foster representatives of Ferrets Unlimited Rescue Services. We
met lots of people and petted lots of ferrets. My wife WARNED me to ask
before petting... I suppose it was the right thing to do. We watched
judging and attended the ribbon ceremonies. We learned a lot about
judging. We also saw some of the calmest ferrets I have ever seen. One
of the ferrets was so tired he slept half way through his judging. He
woke up and had that 'hey where the heck am I' look on his face. Too
cute. OK - on to one of the most beautiful ferrets I have ever seen
(please don't tell my ferrets I said that). Pistol Pete. Wow. If I
could have smuggled him out of there and my ferrets wouldn't have
minded... I think I would have. Face it... I would have been going to
jail. There is no stealing of ferrets. To see Pistol Pete GOOGLE his
name and 'ferret'. He is quite the boy. His ribbons proved that I
wasn't the only one that thought so. I am looking forward to the next
Buckeye Bash!


[Posted in FML 6442]