Hello Everyone,

The PFRA is taking in 30 ferrets from a multi-species SPCA seizure in
Clinton County, PA. Here are some background articles:


ADV test results should be back Thursday afternoon or Friday morning at
the latest (fingers crossed they are all negative). The plan is to pick
up the 10 cages from the SPCA on Friday afternoon.

The ferrets range in age from 1.5 to 6 years old. They are all in
pairs, trios and quads. Every cage has at least one health issue.
Because of this, there will be no adoption fee.

Three cages have permanent homes already (thank you, Mark & Theresa,
Joclyn and Diane!), but there are still 7 cages left. We have temporary
foster homes lined up, as we are full (who isn't? lol) and can only
take in one cage ourselves, but I'd like to get them into permanent
homes sooner rather than later.

All the kids are on our petfinder site
with pic's and descriptions.

If you are interested in adopting anyone, please let me know at
[log in to unmask] Our adoption application is on our website
( http://www.ferretrescue.com/adoption/ ). If you don't hear from me
within 48 hours, send me an email directly to make sure I got it.

With the amount of surgeries and other medical care that these kids
are going to require, other than permanent homes our biggest need is
going to be monetary donations for vet bills.

If it's okay with the SOS group, I'd like for any donations to be
filtered through them. Just earmark your donation for the PFRA. SOS can
then send checks directly to my vets (I'll be using two - All Creatures
Veterinary Care, my local vet and Lakemont Veterinary Hospital in
Altoona, who does most of my adrenal/insulinomic surgeries). This way
everyone gets a tax break and you know exactly where your money is
going :)

I will have a better idea of how much everything is going to cost once
my vet has a chance to go over them in more depth (my volunteers and
one vet were at the SPCA last Sunday to do an initial assessment, pull
blood for ADV testing, get pic's/documentation, etc.).

Quite a few need dentals, there are masses/growths, adrenal kids, one
confirmed insulinomic kid (Cage 10/Ferret 3 - they took him back to my
vet's office for bloodwork and other than a bg of 67, his bloodwork
looks good), etc.

The only other thing we'll need is food, if anyone wants to help out.
Totally Ferret is sending out a 30# bag this week (Staci & April -
thank you!!!), but I'd like to make it as easy on my foster homes as
possible. Our shelter mix is usually any of the following: EVO canine
small bites, Zupreem, Natural Gold, Totally Ferret, TFS Superior Choice
Original, 8in1 Ultimate (4.4lb bags), Innova Feline, Path Valley,
California Natural, Eagle Pack Chicken & Rice, etc. Any cat food that
is good/healthy, basically. I don't think these guys are picky :)

I know this isn't a huge rescue compared to some of the others we've
seen, but it's a big one for us. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
These kids deserve prompt vet care and the chance to get a good,
loving home.

Thank you!

Mary McCarty-Houser, Director
Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association

[Posted in FML 6451]