Less than a week after losing sweet Doshia I have lost another 2
ferrets. It has happened like this before. I think they plan on leaving
together on the journey to the Rainbow Bridge, to keep each other
company. One month I lost 5 ferrets, a month I will never forget. When
I adopt older, medically fragile ferrets from the OR Ferret Shelter I
know that their time with me may be short. I dearly love the oldies
and love caring for them but it hurts when they go.

Lola was a sweet little crippled girl who was adrenal. Surgery,
melatonin pills, melatonin implants, and Lupron shots did not seem to
help her very much. She was a quiet little soul, scooting along through
life dragging her useless leg. She always had the sweetest expression
on her little face. She was not selective with her love....people,
ferrets, cats...it didn't matter. Lately life had become a struggle and
she would simply find a cozy place and sleep. When she did move around,
her breathing was labored. Her constant companion was Oliver and they
came together from the shelter. Oliver had liver cancer, a short tail
because of a removed cordoma and he was blind and deaf. Because of his
cancer, he was given a month or two to live....that was over a year
ago. This was his fifth home. He was the happiest ferret that I have
ever had. He never walked or ran....he BOUNCED! He loved going outside
and loved digging in the sand. His favorite toys were shoes and
slippers.... especially if they had people in them. Oliver made you
smile. He was a huge love bug.

Last night blood started to flow from Oliver's mouth. The cancer had
spread and one of his tumors had ruptured. I called Chris at the
shelter and she helped me make a difficult decision. Early this morning
when I took Oliver to the vet, I brought along Lola to keep him company
on his journey. They both got a "sleepy shot" before getting another
shot that released them from their pain. They actually took their last
breaths at the exact same time. They both will be curled up together
in their cage for today so that their cagemates can say goodbye.

Thanks for listening.

Nancy listening to the rain hitting the roof for the first time in
months here on the very dry Oregon coast

[Posted in FML 6439]