I have asked before to help Hunny but as of yet can not find a group or
person anywhere to help be save this sweet animal. She has a mast cell
tumor on her back and needs it removed so she can be adopted. I have an
account set up with the vet that will do the surgery so that anyone who
wishes to help cover the costs which I am told could be as much as $350
but not less then $250 and any amount can help.

If any of you can find it in your hearts to help Hunny you may call
(406)494-4044 and pay by credit card to account #19643 so that no
money could be used for any purpose other then to help this animal.

If you can help by check or money order please send your gift to
Amherst Animal Hospital 2330 Amherst Butte MT 59701 and be sure to put
for account #19643 so it goes straight to help Hunny!

If any out there would like pics or more info on her progress please
just ask at [log in to unmask] or visit http://narieshouse.yolasite.com/

[Posted in FML 6411]