I am passing on this information to all of those that raw feed and
might be in need, I know this could be more meat than some could use.
But you could also get together as a group of shelters and maybe share
costs and pickup duties and spilt it all? Just an idea. I have not
checked it all out, as I have a handful of animals and part if mine
are vegtable eaters anyway. LOL and no raw fed ferrets either. But it
is worth checking into.


  ["Posted by: [log in to unmask]
  Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:10 am (PDT)]

Landfill Diversions is currently in the process of implementing a
nation-wide program to supply out-of-date meat products to those with
animals throughout the United States.

Sustainable Selections is helping companies and organizations produce
"zero waste" by making productive use of the excess food that is
currently contributing to leachate and methane formation in landfills,
and giving edible food a second chance! A zero waste initiative
benefits us all. When you recycle, less food goes to the landfill and
fewer greenhouse gases are emitted, making the earth more sustainable
for humans and animals alike. While benefitting the earth, we have the
opportunity to help those who care for animals save money... this money
can be used to rescue more furry friends or improve facilities,
allowing all to "pay it forward."

To discuss further or to start/join a co-op you can email me privately
or join our discussion group titled SUSTAINABLESELECTIONS at

http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/ group/sustainableselections/

How it works:
Participants can select local retail facilities to service and visit
the store on a regular basis to collect their meat. Participants will
be able to schedule their own pickup times based on the assigned
service interval.

The meat includes all varieties: beef, pork, poultry, seafood, lamb,
and other processed meats such as hotdogs and lunch meat. Participants
will be responsible for taking all meat that is offered to them (from
the selected stores) and must dispose of all extra product through
legal means or donate to other facilities.

There are a few fees associated with the program:
The average store has 200lbs of meat per week, some have much more.
The cost of the program is $100 for 1-4 stores and $150 for 5 to as
many stores as you can handle. The cost is necessary to pay for the
$2million in liability insurance that we have purchased for you; the
stores require this to allow you in their facility.

You will also be required to purchase the 44 gallon locking lid
trashcans. You can purchase these anywhere, but we have also worked a
discount with Rubbermaid and you are welcome to utilize our discount.
You need an average of 6 barrels per store (3 to leave and 3 to swap
out each week).

We promise to work with you in the first 90 days to get the right mix
of stores for you to meet all your needs.

Right now only meat is formally included in the program as the produce
and baked goods are thrown out daily; however, if there is produce and
baked goods out when you are in the store you are welcome to take those
items. As this program is successful, we hope to formally include
produce, baked goods and dry and wet pet food in the cooperative.

We are offering a referral bonus and we have stores available
nationwide! We will give you one free month of service for every
friend that contracts with us!

Together we can feed your animals better and keep this edible meat
out of the landfill!


[Posted in FML 6437]