Just got home from picking up this guy that was posted on the FML a few
days ago. Bathed, nails trimmed, ears cleaned and fed. He's a sable
aprox 4-5 years of age in great shape although I believe he's blind or
close to it. I real lover. No hair loss or signs of insulinoma. He's
actually got a great coat and had no fleas! His owners found him in
his cage in the rain outside of a flea market about 2 years ago. They
recently moved out of their trailer and he's been staying there for not
sure how long without electricity......fans were the only thing keeping
him cool as the electricity was off. Not good in Florida!! I really
didn't know what I would find but was pleasantly surprised to see he
was doing so good.

With all of us Florida shelters and rescues inundated with ferrets I am
only trying to take in the desperate cases. This was definitely one. I
needed to get him out of that situation because who would of known how
long he would of lasted in those conditions. His cage was the black
and purple one with the green tube and slide and a very worn out cheap
hammock with holes in it. No other blankets but the owner says he just
washed out the cage so who knows. I do have to give the owner credit
for contacting another ferret owner in hopes to find a good home for
this guy and I did commend him on it. Too many people just give ferrets
to whomever wants them not knowing what will happen to them.

Normally I try and get the younger adoptable kids in and have a few
other friends in Florida that run shelters or rescues that help me with
the older unadoptable ones but unfortunately they are so full right now
as well. If anyone can help with this guy and give him a loving home
please contact me. This guy has been through a lot and needs to go to
a good forever home. He seems to get along well with some of the other
ferrets I have here so would make an excellent addition to someone's
already established business.

Kimberly Kelly (kimba)
Stinky Pete's Ferret Retreat

[Posted in FML 6437]