It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was cleaning de cottage
picking up toys and putting dem away. Of course de kits usually do dese
things, but today dey just didn't do them. Too anxious to run and play.
Then she heard a gentle knock at de cottage door and turned to see who
was there. It was Mimi, de little girl courier, with a note in her paw.
She said,

"SaraFerret, there is a ferret crossing the Bridge and I know you have
been busy. However all the other greeters are busy right now, so its
up to you. Do you need any help?"

She gave me de note and I read it. Den I asked Mimi to get de family
and have dem wait in de usual place and I flew to de entrance. I was
just in time to greet de darling little boy fuzzy who had just made
it to de entrance. So I introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering. You will have lotsa friends and run on green grass
forever. Did I mention de fun and games?"

He said, "Its nice to meet you. My name is Rolland. I wasn't feeling
too well, so I guess I had to come here and get better. But since I am
feeling great now do you think I can just turn around and go back to my
Mommy? She was awfully good to me. Do you know my Mommy? Do you know
any of my friends that is sposed to be here? I know I am asking a lot
of questions, but I am new here. This is sure a pretty place. Lotsa
nice grass and trees."

I replied, "Its nice to meet you too, Rolland. I am glad you are
feeling better, but like I said and maybe you weren't listening-there
is no going back. This is your new home here. Your Mommy knew that
you were coming here when she let you go. I don't know your Mommy
personally but I think she was a very good person from de note I got.
Its ok to ask lotsa questions; you will probably be asking a whole
lot of questions during the first few weeks you are here. Your friends
will be able to answer dem. If you are patient you will get to see
your friends in a little bit. And oh by de way, what are you carrying
in your secret backpack?" (You see unlike humans, ferrets can take
anything they can stuff into there secret backpacks on their journeys
across de Bridge).

Rolland just sighed and said, "Well I guess I can show you." He
carefully unzipped his pack and took out one cloth bag that he said
contained two tears and a piece of his Mommy;s heart that he knew she
would never miss because her heart was so big and had so much love and
he showed me one stuffed toy which he told me not to say de name of.
So I didn't. Then he carefully stuffed it all back in and zipped it up
with much difficulty.

Then I asked him if he noticed my wings. He said he did, but he thought
they were some sort of deformed thing and didn't want to be rude by
pointing them out. But I laughed and said, "Rolland, dey are special,
dey are for flying about de heavens; sure beats flying from cloud to
cloud. And you are gonna get your very own pair."

He asked, "SaraFerret, they aren't gonna be girly ones like yours are

"Of course not, Rolland. Dey will be special for each fuzzy and I
promise you dey will be all boy wings."

So off we went down de garden path to de Wing House where de wings
were stored. We opened de door and on de counter was a big box marked
Rolland. He opened de box and took out de wings--neon blue with racing
cars on dem (can't get much more boy than dat).

I helped him put on his wings and adjusted his halo. He ran to de big
vanity mirror and he gazed at his reflection. He turned to me and said,
"SaraFerret, you were right. These are boy wings. But I wish that Mommy
could see me now." Den I gots an idea.

As we opened de door, who should we see standing dere, but Wolfie and
Ally, some of his family from earth who had arrived earlier. Dey gave
Rolland a hug and he knew dat he had friends dat knew him. So we headed
on down de path to de Misting Pond and sat down beside de cool clear
water and with one swish he saw a vision of Mommy Karen appear. He got
so excited he started waving and dooking with all of his might.

"I love you Mommy. Thank you for loving me. I took a piece of your
heart-I didn't think you would miss it because you had such a big
heart. You were always so good to me. My friends found me already. So
don't worry. Oh yeah, I feel much better now. I has wings now and soon
I will be able to fly. My wings has racing cars on them so they are
goofy girl wings-thought you would like to know that. I promise to
visit you one day in your dreams. I have to go right now. Love ya."

Den he started to throw hugs and kisses and promises and laid dem on a
nearby shooting star and by de time you should read dis it should have
landed dere. And with another swish de vision was gone.

We left dere and went down de road and were met by a group of his other
brothers and sisters carrying a lopsided sign dat read "FeRrEt AfFaIR".
(Hey we fuzzies were never noted for artistic talent). Rolland was
really amazed and a tear fell from his eye. "How did they know I was
coming?" he asked. I replied, "Oh we has our ways." We went to his new
cottage and he could see de party that in place. But his family had a
surprize for him. First, dey were gonna take him to de Otter MudSlide.
So off we all went. It was quite a trip as it included not just the
Ferret Affair, but visiting fuzzies. He saw the big slide and he was a
bit frighten at first. So I took off my wings (naturally no one wants
to trash dere wings) and climbed to de top and made the slide down to
de very bottom and was covered in mud. "YIPPEE!" And den everyone
followed. Wolfie was next and then Ally and of course Rolland got to
be the very next one and so it continued on and on. After my 10th turn
I hunted up Rolland and told him good bye and I headed off for de Lily
Pond to wash up as I was totally covered in mud.

So ended another day at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6434]