Missy, my 5 yr. old has insolinoma, adrenal, and is almost blind, eyes
almost totally white. She also waddles with a pred-belly. Still gets up
and comes out to the kitchen for pred and baby food then some chicken
gravey and then some kibble as dessert. Still scruffs the 2 yr. old
when he gets close enough to annoy her.

Princess, my 6 yr. old is going blind, starting to turn white. Plays
with the 2 - 2 yr. olds, runs, eats good. Loves her ferretone.

I was reading where "A high level of rancid fat in the diet could
lead to the formation of oxyradicals which aggregate lens crystalline

HUH? Can someone please translate that for me. What is rancid fat? Is
that really in crunchies

Everyone eats the same stuff, will the other 2 go blind as well? I have
been owned by ferts since 1995 and this is the first blindness I have

Thanks all.

Huggs, Dooks

Carol, Princess, Missy, BG, Panda

Missing: Shiela, TR, Shy-Girl, Me-Me, Jr., Queen Blaze, Lady, Sir

[Posted in FML 6434]