Doshia, the sweetest little girl ferret in all the world, left for the
Rainbow Bridge sometime after 3:30 this morning. I had stayed with her,
making her comfortable, telling her how much everyone loved her, and
how glad I was to have her in my care for the last year of the 12+
years she graced this earth. I fell asleep and she quietly made the
journey by herself. I left her in a soft blankie resting in her cage so
that her cagemates Brewster, Lily, Dix and Dax can say their goodbyes.
Dax, the youngest in her group, is grieving the hardest. She dearly
loved Doshia and would keep her naked little body warm at night. She
keeps going to Doshia, giving her kisses, breaking my heart.

Nancy and her 14, missing Doshia and many others.....

[Posted in FML 6433]