Dear Alexandra,

Bwahahahahaha! lol

Thank you! I needed that laugh today! And, for the record, if you take
that bread machine and set it aside, and use my bread recipe that
requires kneading the dough, you won't find yourself with - say it with
me - wet flour and oil and salt and sugar and yeast all over the place.

As for Caff-pow, way to investigate, boy! Keep that Momma on her toes!
She needed the exercise you encouraged her to take - and probably the
shower, too! I am just surprised she didn't use her teeth to scruff you
while in the shower. Maybe she was afraid of getting wet flour and oil
and salt and sugar and yeast in her mouth!

Todd, I guess you are now relegated to the "good ferret" status. Don't
be too afraid of the Momma - she may be bigger than you, but she can't
run. Pull out those weaselly wiles and have a bit of fun. I know a
plant you can swing from and get a great view and access to the upper
cabinets. And, Momma don't bite. Heaven know, we've tried to teach her
HOW, but she seems to forget. Not enough fur on her, I guess.

So, Alex, how's Dann - and the Noble Allis Chompers? I am assuming the
cat is still outside. And, is the book still a doorstop? I think mine
is in storage. . .but I digress.

Love to all,
Renee :)

Renee Downs
"Eventually we will realize that if we destroy the ecosystem we
 destroy ourselves." Jonas Salk
"The most effective way to do it, is to do it." Amelia Earhart
It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who
gets the credit!
Ferret Emergency Response, Rescue & Evacuation Team (F.E.R.R.E.T.)

[Posted in FML 6430]