I realize it`s a business & that they have to make money, but PayPal
has irritated US before too!!

If someone makes a donation to our sanctuary via PayPal, PayPal takes
a nice generous slice of that donation which was intended for the
ferrets :(

They DO have a special thing for 501(C)(3) organizations. (Mission
Fish) but they STILL take a slice---and when I last checked into it,
they only paid the organizations periodically!!! So, if you needed
immediate funds for a surgery, & people donated, you'd have to WAIT
for those funds!!! We decided not to do it.

It`s all about the money, and no one seems to have any qualms about
robbing little creatures who need to eat, & go to the vet.

I have a suggestion. If you want to help fuzzies, but don`t know
how--and if you want to bypass the nonsense, consider this.

Have you lost someone you loved very much? Has someone you CARED about
suffered a loss of someone they loved? (This could be fur or human.)

Spend the money for a stamp, & send a legitimate shelter or sanctuary
a donation in memory of that loved one. It wouldn't work for auctions
on Ebay, but it would be a great way to donate!

This would take you about 5 minutes. It would comfort you to honor your
loved one, and do some good. It would help little ones somewhere out
there. Your whole donation would go where it was intended to---to the
furkids. It would also be a pleasant surprise to some overworked
caregiver(s) out there. It doesn't have to be huge--it just should

We have been the recipients of such donations, and it benefits the
ferrets greatly. It`s a win-win.

Just a thought...


[Posted in FML 6429]