Please excause my spilling and Flamers HOLD thy toungs..

About Tiny Tim ( Timmy )

In May of 2006 I recived a phone call from my vet that their sister vet
called them and they recived a ferret that had been attack by a dog,
his back was broken and he was paralized, Timmy owners brought him in
to have him put down, he was only 8 months old at the time, That vet
thought maybe my vet could help him and do the drs agreed to take him
in, the first vet had the owners sign the papers and they happyly left
thinking well thats out of the way we dont have to deal with that baby
ferret, Timmy was transferd to my vet with they inturn called me and So
i went and got him I started to work with him doing therapy with him to
thinking i could fix him and hed be able to walk again,

the next 6 months was ruff on Timmy he traveled all over the state of
Arkansas made many new friends, he went to several different doctors
even to a vet specelist, with all the drs that Timmy went to it has
come down to Timmy having a spinal cord defect he would never be able
to walk agin. the first few months timmy was in my shelter he would
only want to be held like a baby, he wouldnt ever play hardly, he would
just drag around with him his favoriet crocha egg that he loved to much
cause it rattled, he loves them eggs so i make sure he is never without
one cause its his way of getting my attaition when he wants somthing, i
felt he didnt have a life he wasnt happy he wanted nonthing to do with
any other ferret nonthing at all just picked up and carried around, and
i had started thinking about sending him to the Rainbow Bridge but i
was a no kill shelter so i had to do somthing for this little one, this
went on til Oct of 2006 when i got another called from my vet another
vet called them that they got in a paralized ferret that was found tide
to a bike post at a park with twine like to would use for a bale of hay
would take her in, so i went and got her, you could see the marks on
her back and side there her hair had came off from the twine and she
had scares of the twine, but she had more spunk in her and she was very
indapendent she didnt want held she wasnted to play and was always on
the go, she would by pass with Timmy watching her all the time her
dragging her legs like Timmy did. he would just set there and watch her
pla with the others and finaly get his egg and drag off with it and
come find me or just go under the dresser to go to sleep. it was
getting worse with timmy and i was getting to where i couldnt handle
seeing him like this, Barb his God Momma down the state from us would
take him for a few weeks at a time and he just loved being carried
around all the time and cuddled, that was something he relly liked.
After christmas one day Timmy was watching Angel and 2 other paralized
ferrets haveing a time of their lives playing , by that time i had 4
paralized kids, thay would always try to play with Timmy but you could
just hang that up til one day Angel went up to him and started picking
on him trying to play with him and she took his egg, thats what took
the iceing off the cake my egg shes got my egg so he started crawling
off to chase her down he was slow at it but he was going after it cause
thats his darn egg and he wanted it back. from then on Timmy and Angel
have bonded and are very close where ever one is the other is right
there close, Angel has tought Timmy to evenclimb a cage 2 legged as
well. Thats how Angel how her name, she came in to Timmys life and made
him into a play 2 legged ferret just like her and their other 2 sisters
Emily and Grasshopper.

Yesterday August 16th of 2009 I was cleaning up after the paralized
kids poop while they were out playing I have always been very careful
around them as to not to step on them or anything. but yesterday liked
to have killed me, I was cleaning up after them so they wouldnt crawl
back into it so i leaned ober the play pin and pick it up instead of
just opening it up and doing it the other way and the play pin when it
moved cought Timmys tail and i didnt know it, timmy didnt scream or
anything cause he has no feeling in his back part of his body, we was
having a yard sale and i wanted to hurry up and get back out there,
a few mins later Katy one of my foster parents came in to use the
bathroom and she noticed blood all over and she screamed for me and i
ran in and i couldnt say anything i just grabed Timmy with his tail
hanging and blood dripping everywhere, wraped him up in a towl and
another ferret foster friend drove me and timmy to our vet knowing i
was going to lose timmy, buy the time we got there the towl and my
clothes was soaked and i didnt know a ferret can have so much blood,
the play pin had snaped his tail in half and the dr rushed him into
surgey, told me to go home and thay they would call me later that day,
a couple hours later they call and tell me that Timmy is ready to come
home i thought What the He** andf they said she had to take his whole
tail and i just cryed, but the dr said look at it this way he woill
be able to stay alot cleaner down there and maybe no more butt hole
infections and bladder infections cause he keeps having them from not
being so clean down there even when i cleaned him hed be dirty within
mins,, I brought Timmy home and put him in a hospital cage so he could
sleep off the sleeping meds they gave him, he had refused tokiss me
oir left me give him kisses he would puch me away and the other 2
foster parents would laught at him and me cause he was mad at me but
i would cry cause i thought maybe Timmy thought i hurt him on perpos
or somthing, well putting him in a hospital cage all by himself was
another upsetting thing cause Timmy was so so sad and upset he refused
to eat his duck soup or drink or anything he wouldnt even look at me,
when i called another close ferret shelter firend of mind she said Sue
you put Timmy back in that cage with Angel now and she told me why, BUT
the drs says he needs to be by himself for a few days and so i went on
ahead and put timmy back with his Angel and she even hadnt been eating
or drinked her duck soup at all too. she was worried and upset over
Timmy not being with her, when i put Timmy back in the FN Cage with
Angel i cryed for the both of them cause they were so so happy to be
back togather and after a couple of butt sniffing from angel she layed
ring over hom and started grooming him and then they both crawled over
and started eating their duck soups, then crawled togather and went to
sleep, i sat there any watched them two togather and how so bonded they
are that if one did ever go to the Rainbowe Bridge the other would so
follow cause of them being so close for 3 yrs now, its hard keeping
them apart, I just hope and pray this never happens again i know it was
an accident and accident happene but i also no more so to never ever
lean over a play pin to clean or pick up somthing expecaly if you have
a ferret that isparalized and has no feeling to be able to scream or
squal or somthing to let you know somethings wrong and Timmy diffeently
didnt have is rattle egg with him like he always does crap he stop
dragging that egg around alot a couple years ago though he still has
his egg to get my attation sometimes..

Lesson Learned.,..

[Posted in FML 6428]