There are so many good ideas coming in for Mz Izzy's birthday, I just
don't know what to do, I can't pick. :::flipping through the emails:::
Even a super hero needs help once in awhile. I know, I will ask Travis,
he knows everything about ferrets.


Yo little buddy, what's up?

Big Daddy, Iz's birthday is comming up and I can't figure out a thing
to get her. Ya see, Totally Ferret is donating one pound of food per
person that sends an idea for a birthday gift to Isabella's Mom at
[log in to unmask]
The most creative gift idea will win a 50.00 gift basket full of
Totally Ferret goodies. All pounds counted will go to Ferret Emergency
Response Rescue and Evacuation Team. (
I am getting lotsa great ideas from people, we have already had over
50 suggestions.

Oh man little buddy, I forget too. Oh man, don't tell Mz. Izzy I forgot
or there will be a ruckus. Your on your own about a gift Tonk's. I have
to figure out what to get her too. At least you have people helping
you. Let me look at your emails, maybe I can get an idea too.

Oh nooooooo Big Daddy, your on your own.

Come on Tonks share. Tell ya what, I will donate a stuffed Black Footed
Ferret as a 2nd place prize for the best birthday gift suggestion.
Whatta ya think?

Ohh cool Big Daddy, Okay, I will share.

Keep sending ideas folks, Contest ends August 25th.

[Posted in FML 6426]