We are pleased to announce that we are now a federally recognized
501(c)(3) organization. This is a new chapter here at Ferret Dreams.
The journey thus far has been rewarding but with lots of blood, sweat
and tears. Blood from some of the biters we have taken in. These
frightened animals needed a little patience, a little bit more
discipline but a lot of love. The sweat has come from the building,
remodeling and the improvements to our home to make it a more ferret
friendly, home environment. Tear, lots of tears for those ferrets that
we tried to save but couldn't. Those sick one who were turned in to us
just when they needed their owners the most. We did not spare a dime to
give them the medical attention they needed. Many however, did survive,
did get stronger and healthier and are now in loving, permanent homes.

We do not have 30 or 40 ferrets here. We take in only what we can. We
applaud all the Shelter Mom & Dads who have that huge task at hand.
Every Shelter or Home Rescue does the best they can just like we do
We ask for your support as we lend out our hand to other rescues and
shelters. Together, we can make a difference whether large or small,
it is still a difference.

Matthew and Lee
Ferret Dreams Rescue & Adoption
Denver, Colorado

[Posted in FML 6419]