I know the life expectancy varies, but I thought the shelter folk could
give me a reasonable ballpark on how long I should look for Frost
staying on our side of the Rainbow Bridge. He started losing the hair
on his tail in early April. I've been treating him with oral melatonin;
he is on 1.3 mg. per 1 ml. of ferretin daily -- that's the dose it took
for the hair loss to stop on his 1.5ish lb. body. Frost is already
seven-years-old, but he's still a feisty little rascal. Rhys, Frost's
bond friend, has become close friends with the pair we added in late
April, Ayla and Codo, so that should decrease the anxiety of Frost's
loss a bit. I've had two other adrenal cases here at home a couple
years ago. Pirate was assisted across the Bridge, because the adrenal
had spread to his prostate and was causing alot of pain. Niki was
assisted across, because the Insulanoma she also had could not be
controlled anymore. Pirate was almost seven-years-old and Niki was
seven. Both of them noticeably slowed down a couple of weeks before
the end. I will add another to the group around the time Frost crosses
the Bridge; at what time interval should I add to the group after...?

With respect,
Lori in Ohio

[Posted in FML 6415]