This is from someone on my Ferretocious Forum

"I was sitting here doing a few things at the desk when I heard the
ferrets screaming in their cage. I ran right over and I thought Mooku
was just beating Gandalf up, which he was and pretty badly, so I
grabbed Gandalf out and Mooku was just stuck in the hammock freaking
out. So I scruff him to stop him from freaking out to see what is
going on and here he somehow got his lil peepee stuck in the hammock
zipper.... So I gently and carefully get him out of it, and he is
shaking like a leaf, I am shaking like a leaf, and he is slightly
bleeding there on the outside. I am keeping a careful eye out to make
sure he can still go pee okay, and making sure its not getting any
worse. I imagine it is very sore. I gave him Ferretone and calmed
him down, I feel so terrible.. Is there anything I could put on the
slightly bleeding area or is it okay to let him groom himself and
heal up if its not getting any worse?

Poor guy!!!!!!!!!"

This is the type of hammock this happened in -
Shortened link in case this breaks when I send it -

[Posted in FML 6385]