Dear Rainbow Bridge Greeters, A while ago I requested to see if you
could please greet my little dog Buddy who was hit and killed July 1st.
I don't know if you just greet Ferrets or all animals but it would sure
rest my heart and soul if Buddy could be greeted and just shown around.
I had Buddy for 9 yrs, I rescued him from a not so nice home and even
though Buddy wasen't the smartest of little doggies, he was always
happy to see you, even if he knew he was going to get into trouble for
doing something he shouldn't have been doing! He was the best friend
to his mate Sadie who is lost without him but doing better. I hurt so
bad on his passing and feel so guilty, I tried so hard to keep him
from escaping his pen, but maybe he was smarter then I thought, he even
learned to put himself back into his pen after his eventures, which
upon him getting hit, he was on his way back home and did not make
it. If you don't welcome other animals please just let me know, I just
thought I would ask to ease my mind and to make sure Buddy is happy and
safe now. I miss you my little friend, I didn't realize how far into my
heart you got little doggie, but I miss you so very much!! Mommy loves
you and misses you so very much!!!

Thank you very much, I can't imagine how busy you are and am very
grateful for all you do for all the fuzzy's that cross over and it
eases my mind that when it will be my fuzzy's time, you will be there
for them. Thank you for all you do!!!

Darlene & Addie & Booboo

[Moderator's note: The Bridge Greeters on the FML don't work in the
same section as the dog greeters, so often it's difficult to check on
the canines. Sometimes they can talk to thier dog buddies, perhaps at
Crossroads Wag 'n Sniff Burger Joint, but that depends on everyone's
schedule working just right. So I know the word is out there, but I
don't really know when, or if, you'll get news about Buddy. But please
don't give up and keep on checking. BIG]

[Posted in FML 6410]