This is Susie Lee in, of, and with The Ferret & Dove Sanctuary, Inc.
in Pensacola, FL. and I have something really nice to relate. (I
happened to pick up a book that looked like something interesting to
read and...)

In this new paperback book, its 1st mass market printing July 2009
(new, indeedy!), entitled "Poltergeist" by author Kat Richardson, she
writes an acknowledgement that one finds turning to the fourth page
from the cover which reads...

" This is for all the people working to legalize ferrets in

(so now I can hardly wait for some free-time to start reading it and
see if there might be any other ferrety references in the text :)

Susie Lee.

Buy a ferret-shirt, support a little-bitty ferret shelter! See all
about the(super-comfy!) shirts here...

[Posted in FML 6407]