....how to make a room full of ferrets mad!

Step 1) Put a squirt of ear cleaner in everyone's ears..14 ferrets = 28
ears. You must set them down fast or you will get it slung back on you
as they shack their heads.

Step 2) Change all the bedding, including all the blankets on the floor
"But Moooommm! We just got all the stuff good and stinky. There was
even poop on a couple of things. Now it all just smells....clean!

Step 3) Cut all nails...14 ferrets = 56 paws = 280 nails.

Step 4) Clean the ears...14 ferrets = 28 ears. Some of the ferrets have
no problem with this, some will squirm and wiggle but then there are
the ones that will fight you. They DO NOT want you to stick that cold,
wet q-tip into their ears!! They will jump out of the scruff hold, they
will climb up you with their hind legs to twist themselves away and
they will shake that crud in their ears all over the place. (Ear
cleaning solution doesn't taste good)

Step 5) Take a shower, eat some pizza and wonder how long you can wait
before cleaning ears again.

But it is done and the ferret room was clean...until this morning!!


[Posted in FML 6406]