Meryl asked about the food being given to Cyan's kits. The ferret
keepers begin putting food in the nest box at about 4 weeks old, and
the kits will start eating it even though they will continue to nurse
for many weeks yet. Last summer, Peanut would still nurse occasionally
even when he was much larger than Mom Georgia!

At most BFF facilities, they are fed a mix of horse meat with various
nutrients added. When the kits get older, they will also get whole
prey: mice, hamsters, rats or prairie dogs, depending on the facility
and what's available. They are not fed kibble or cooked foods.

I just watched them swap out the nest box, and Cyan had to drag her 6
kits into the new, clean box. This woke the sleepy kits up so they are
engaged in a vigorous wrestle/bite/play session while Mom guarded the
entrance. They are still fairly uncoordinated with bobble heads and
closed eyes. :-)

Oh dear, now she has taken 3 of the babies out of the nest box and
keeps going in and out!! Maybe they've been removed from the pen for
measurements or something.

Oops 2 are back now.


[Posted in FML 6402]