Dear Ferret Friends,

I am always telling you about the GREAT times we have at Ferretwise
AFTER the event has taken place.

Well, this time, I have it together. Alicia will be hosting the
Ferretwise Summer Blowout at Ferretwise in Marlborough next Sunday,
July 26, from 1 to 4 p.m.

Alicia knows how to party hardy, and we always have a great time with
great ferret friends and loads of fun. You get to rub elbows with
ferret people, we are the ones with the pointy little faces, and meet
and talk with people who are owned and operated by ferrets.

This is just a people event, and we get to just relax and have fun.
Dino, if I advertise it here, will HAVE to make his chocolate cake that
is to die for. It is dark chocolate, rich and velvety, and is smothered
with a chocolate fudge frosting. I can taste it now. If his receipt is
not on a post in the Boss's kitchen in heaven, I don't want to go.

Everyone is asked to bring a dish to share, and Alicia will have dogs
and such on the grill. The buns and chips, dips and veggies, potato
salad, German and otherwise, green salads and sodas always taste better
outdoors in the company of ferret people.

So, you are forewarned. Get your favorite receipt out, make it to
travel, email ferretwise at [log in to unmask] to for more
information and to RSVP, and I'll see you there.

I can smell the dogs, hear the chips cracking, taste the tang of the
dip, the potato salad is cold and picture perfect, aaahhhh I don't
know if I can wait.

Just a tip, I don't know how she does it, but when you bite into one of
Alicias hot dogs, cooked under her direction, they snap. That is right,
they are cooked on the outside, hot and juicy in the inside, and they
snap. You can almost hear them.

I feel better now that I rold you in time for you to have a chance to
go. You have had your invite early, grab your dish and we'll see you

Marilyn at Ledoux Hospice

[Posted in FML 6399]