Minky, my newly adopted ferret who was abused, is still pooping on a
shelf in her cage. Nothing has worked--in the bigger cage she pooped
on the food shelf and also on a shelf where I put some bedding. She is
very good outside of the cage; now almost always poops on the paper.

Is there something either appealing or noxious I can put on that shelf
so she'll go all the way down to the litter box? It isn't that far
down, as they are now in Angel Rocky's small cage. I don't think it's
a protest poop as she did it yesterday even when she went in the cage
on her own and the doors were open. Why is she doing this?

Klondike is pretty good in this respect, but he insists on pooping in
a corner just in front of a closet door in a hallway. I'd put a paper
there but it's an awkward spot. Yesterday I didn't see that he had
pooped there and put my umbrella down. Didn't notice it until later.
Yuck! May have to throw it out, as it's in the velcro.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Minky & Klondike
Missing Angel Rocky (wish he could come back and show these two how
and where to poop!)

[Posted in FML 6397]