Dear Vern and Barbara,

When I read your post, I was in awe!!! You two have done what I can
only dream of!!! What I would give to have done and do what you two do,
and done!!! And with no internet to boot!! Wow!!! Thats a mind blower
alone!! But that just shows how people CAN come together and work and
help each other!! Your story is a HUGE inspiration to us all!!! It
shows that it CAN be done!! I, for one, will NEVER forget it and have
printed it out just so I won't!! When things feel like they are just
getting to hard or too rough to handle, I will read it, over and over
again and take the strength, courage, faith and heart from it to help
me over any hurdle I may encounter. I will also pray that it reaches
each and every one of us to help show us the way!

I use to fear "the end" or "my time" Since ferrets have entered my
life, I no longer fear it. I look forward to when it will be "my time"
Until then, I will live each day of the rest of my life continuing to
love unconditionally all the little ones that come into my life. I will
do whatever I can and whatever it takes to care, love and cherish them
for all that they have given to me and for all that they have brought
into my life. I can not begin to put into words what they have done for
me and my life. I never thought in a million years a little creature
would and could, do so much!! And to think of everything you have done
for them in all the years is just simply and wonderfully beautiful!!!
Tears are falling now, but they are not tears of sorrow, they are tears
of joy and happiness and realization. I want to thank you from the
bottom of my heart for being able to write this letter to you, it gave
me a reminding that I very much needed, life has been throwing them
hurdles at me lately that I have mentioned before and something just
lifted my heart just now, I feel a little lighter and content and can't
explain why. But I am grateful. You will be in my prayers always and
remember, keep your arms open wide, there will be many to greet you at
the Rainbow Bridge with over flowing love!!! Bless you always!!!!!!!

Darlene & Addie & Booboo

[Posted in FML 6395]