John-Q-Public is Joe's cousin, lives in Frederick, graduated from TJ
High School, has two ferrets. Unlike Joe, John is internet savvy and
googles Frederick Ferret Show. Clicks the link on the AFA Dooktoberfest
2008 results. Then he clicks the Shows & Events link and the Show
Calendar link. He sees there is another show October 31, 2009. He calls
the number listed and Lisa at the office gives him information about
the show and to check back in August for the show packet.

John doesn't know if he want's to show or not. Maybe just go and see
what it's all about. Maybe he'll take his ferrets but decides not to
since he knows his ferrets would not like being carried around or in a
stuffy carrier for the day while there will most likely be other stuff
that will capture his attention. He checks back later to the website
and there is a show packet. He downloads the pdf and reads the entire
packet. From reading the information he knows that ferrets entering
the show hall must be a certain age and have vaccination and testing
documentation. He's not sure where his last vet receipt is so he better
leave his ferrets at home. Or maybe he'll call the other number and
Vickie will tell him it's best to leave his ferrets home unless he
plans to enter them and then make sure he has all his vaccination and
testing documentation in line.

From the show packet he knows where the show is, how much it costs to
walk in as a spectator, the hours and gives him an idea of what will be
going on. From the poster that was included in the packet he knows that
ferrets will be being judged in title and specialty classes and there
will be vendors selling ferretry stuff. John decides to go to the show.

John had such a nice time at the show that he called his cousin Joe
and told him all about it. Now Joe knows about ferret shows and plans
to attend the York show in December with John. John got so much
information at the show in Frederick and talked to so many great folks
that he decides to enter his ferrets in the December show. And there
is this guy named Bob Church who is suppose to be kinda important who
is giving an education seminar on the Friday before the show. John will
be sure to check it out!


Vickie McKimmey

Just a Business of Ferrets
American Ferret Association
Director of Shows and Special Events
Author of Ferrets: An Animal Planet Pet Care Library Series Book

[Posted in FML 6394]