>From Deb: Since AFA doesn't post their show packet on line as you have
>to contact someone to get it, this would make it much simpler for
>Joe-Q-Public to know exactly what is need to come and enter the show
>hall one of AFA's shows just to shop with their ferrets. >>>snip<<<<
>While the site does explain about vaccination protical for ferrets it
>does NOT hoewer explain what vaccination records are required just to
>enter an AFA show hall with a person's ferret(s). While some of the
>AFA Sanctioned shows DO post on line this information, the main AFA
>website board does not. This is why I made the suggestion.

Sorry you couldn't find a show packet to download for an AFA hosted
show on the AFA website. Oh, wait, the reason is our next show isn't
until October 31st and we just don't have old stuff hanging around on
our website. So sorry again Deb, please check back say in August and I
should have that show packet done and Julie should have it up on the
website with a very handy link right on the AFA homepage. I am sure
Joe-Q-Public will be able to find it - if you are still having probs,
just ask anyone on the fml I think everyone can now point you in the
right direction. :)

>From Deb:
>WOW Danee!! That is just what I was refering too, ""AFA does NOT
>require "PROOF" of Canine Distemper vaccinations.

Come on Deb. Get real. We all know how good 'PROOF' is. Unscrupulous
folks have been falsifying CD shot documentation 'PROOF' for decades.
How do I know that just because there is a vaccine sticker on your
ferret's shot records that you actually gave the ferret the shot and
just didn't peal the label and toss the vial????? Get real. The 'PROOF'
isn't in AFA being a policing authority, the 'PROOF' is from pier
pressure. That, some common sense and honestly wanting to protect your
ferrets from the big nasty viruses that can harm them.

Also what part of this statement don't you understand?

All ferrets entered in and/or for sale at the show must have been
vaccinated for Canine Distemper and Rabies.

It doesn't say 'should be vaccinated' it says 'must be vaccinated'.
Period. And like I said before, we reserve the right to check any
records at any show at any time. And you MUST sign the CDV Waiver:

Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) Vaccination Waiver

Signature is required for absolutely everyone who brings a ferret into
an AFA event.

I, <enter name here> , understand that I am fully responsible for the
health of the ferret(s) that I wish to bring into the AFA event with
me today.

I understand that CDV is almost 100% fatal in ferrets. I understand
that appropriate vaccination against CDV is the best protection for
my ferret(s) to avoid this disease. I fully understand my obligation
to keep my ferret(s), and thereby the ferrets of others, as safe as
possible from CDV.

I have read and I understand the AFA Vaccination Policy.

I hereby attest that each ferret I have with me today has been
vaccinated against CDV in an appropriate manner that will best ensure
the ferret's protection from this disease.

I hereby attest that my ferret(s) has/have had no known exposure to
the Canine Distemper Virus.

I understand that if I fail to vaccinate my ferret(s) properly against
CDV, or I bring a ferret with known exposure to CDV to an AFA event,
which subsequently results in CDV exposure to other ferrets, legal and
disciplinary action may be brought against me.

I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless American Ferret
Association (AFA) from and against any and all claims, suits, damage or
damages, and/or loss or losses, and/or action or actions of any kind as
the result of, and arising out of, the attendance of my ferret(s) at
this AFA event.

Sign name here:

If you aren't vaccinating your ferret then YOUR ferret is at risk.

Vickie McKimmey

Just a Business of Ferrets
American Ferret Association
Director of Shows and Special Events
Author of Ferrets: An Animal Planet Pet Care Library Series Book

[Posted in FML 6394]