Dear All,

In Oct '94 I went to buy a ferret from a breeder farm in Carroll
County, MD. It was horrible. I bought every kit there was, and hoped
and prayed that the other 150 would make it through the Winter. That
was about 60 ferrets, and when I went back in March, I bought them
out...anything with a breath left in them, went home with me. GOD
WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!,,,,,,close to 200 ferrets, most pregnant.

A man visited me, heard I had some kits, and he needed one, as he had
recently had one pass on.

The man saw my struggle. I had an old milking parlor on my property,
made of cinder block and a concrete floor. The back of the building was
pieces of plywood, because the farmer had salvaged the stainless steel
milking operation, and had to knock out that wall to get the big pieces

I was so over my head, and did an incredible, and insane, leap of faith
that somehow I could save them all. What in the world was I thinking!?

There was no internet, just word of mouth. It was a sad time for me,
I had more criticism and rumor than I had anyone offering to help me
from the "ferret community", but gotta say, the Baltimore Ferret Club,
specifically Nadine their Shelter Op, was there for me in all ways
possible. I will never forget the first care package of hammocks and
bedding. There was also a PA shelter that helped me out.

This man, that came to get a kit from me never left. In fact, the next
day he came back with a work crew. A back wall was built on my new
shelter, electric was installed, and never did my new rescue want for
food or vet care. This man provided where I could not.

We were quite the team. We went on to do demos and get the word out,
as best we could. Again, non-existent internet, and word was that I
was some kind of collector, abusing these animals. We forgive those
critics, and can clearly appreciate the misunderstandings, no one meant
me any real harm, they were just guilty of not visiting, seeing for
themselves, and of course having love and compassion for these
treasured little companions.

Oh we had lessons learned, and with each lesson, I listened and learned
and corrected what I was doing wrong and tried to rise above it all. Oh
Lord, I made so many mistakes! But I kept trying, and got better and
more knowledgeable. It took years. This man was by my side all the way,
making sure no ferret ever went hungry or without vet care. We got them
all desexed and vac'd, and found homes. Bout then, the rescue I'd done,
now totalled about 230. They all found homes. All done sans the
internet. Oh what humbled beginnings!

I never wanted to be a shelter, I was newly retired, and wanted to
travel and see the world. But, I'd hung out my shingle, with one
measely time that I did a ferret rescue...albeit it huge by anyone's
standards today..and they continued to come. Curiously enough,
throughout the years, big breeder rescues happened for me. This man and
I had a passion for rescue, and we kept our ears and eyes opened for
those situations...and they have been many. I think it was a calling.
We heard it and answered as best we could.

In almost 15 yrs of being Rocky's, we've done about 20 major rescues of
various proportions, each time perfecting the protocols, and realizing
the importance of those disciplines for the sake of the ferrets, and
respecting the health parameters of those homes we would hope to take
them in. We got better and better, proud to say. Not perfect, but we
have done our best to serve the community needs in rescue and
placement. Oh what a thrill and incredible personal gratitude to have
success on the smallest of levels. This man by my side, all the way.
Think about it, over 3,000 ferrets rescued and rehomed. Blows my mind
just writing to you all about it; seems like only yesterday Vern and I
started this journey.

There would be no Rocky's, had it not been for my dear friend Vern.
Tonite Vern is living hour to hour. I know that St Peter will welcome
him and give him a golden robe. I close my eyes and can only imagine
the meeting at the meadow where the Rainbow Bridge empties into a lush
green pasture, filled with all those that we rescued, passed on and
are waiting to greet us.

To Vern, where have the years gone dear friend. It's been so busy, so
fast. It's a blur. Over 3,000 ferrets have come through Rocky's door
since Oct '94. Those were dark days for me personally, and it taught me
that you have to be careful what you pray for. At that time in my life,
I asked God to please give my life purpose, show me the way, fill my
life with joy. Well, that one huge rescue done by just you (Vern) and
me, started an unbelievable chapter in my life. Again, no internet,
few knew about us, but many were lead to our mission, and with much
success. Glorious. Just absolute Glory thinking back over it all dear

Dear God, bless my friend Vern and let him have a quick peaceful
passing, he deserves all mercy and all the grace Heaven has to offer.
He's gallantly battled lymphoma for the past 9 years, and today has
made his peace, and is ready to go home.

Oh Vern, God bless you, let your journey be peaceful and rapid. I thank
you, we all thank you for all you've given. Without you, there would be
no Rocky's, thousands of ferrets never knowing forever love. You shared
the journey of us learning the joy of rescue and adoption. God bless
you my dear friend.

Vern is now in hospice care. Anyone wanting to write him please do so
either here or at [log in to unmask] I'll print them all out and take
them to him today, and read them to him.


Barb Clay
Dir of Shelter Affairs
Rocky's Ferret Rescue & Shelter
Parkton, MD. 21120

[Posted in FML 6394]