Hello Everyone,

I would like to ask that you agree with me in prayer and to be praying
for my friends ferret.

My Dear Friend LIsa R. called me and asked if I could put her ferret
Mulberry on the prayer chain. She can not find her anywhere and she
has been looking for two days now.

Mulberry is going to be 6 years old and is Insulinoma. She has to have
her medicine to prevent her from going into a sugar shock as they some
times do. Please pray that she will find her soon and find her alive.

Lisa is worried that some how she may have gotten out of her house but
she is so careful when she goes in and out of her door that I really
think she is in the house sleeping some place unless she has gone off
and crossed the bridge but reguardless of what she has to be found so
Lisa can have some Peace of Mind.

You see last week Mulberry lost her cage mate and they do greive some
times to the point that they will soon follow thier cage mates. LIsa
wants so badly to find her alive but if she has crossed the bridge she
just wants to find her to know what has happened to her. Please, pray
that this ferret will turn up.

Please pray for LIsa too that she will have Peace of mind the Peace of
God which passes all understanding.

I wish I could go there to help her but she lives to far for me to go
right now. I can't get there to help her look for her. The only thing I
can do for her is pray which I will continue to do and I ask all of you
to please do the same. I will update you as to the out come of Mulberry
when she is found.

God Bless You All
Hugs Love and Prayers Always

Heavenly Father,

I come before you today on behalf of this lost ferret named Mulberry,
LORD you see the situation with Lisa and LORD you know how sadden she
is that she cannot find her.

I ask LORD that you send your Guardian Angels to LIsa to show her where
this ferret is at. Please LORD keep her safe let the Guardian Angels
care for her if she happend to get outside please help LIsa to find
her. I pray if that is the case one of her neighbors will call her and
tell her that they have her.

LORD if she is in the house which I feel she is please let her come out
from where ever she is sleeping or let LIsa find her.

Thank You LORD for all you do for us and for helping Lisa to find her
beloved Mulberry in JESUS Holy Name Amen.

Your Humble Servant

[Posted in FML 6393]