I am so confused and surprised. Remember my little Gracie-No-Tail in
the summer and Gracie-With-Tail in the winter. I'm sure not. Well, for
a while I thought it was change of season thing and then I thought
Adreanal. Startin about 1 1/2 yrs ago the back of her neck between the
shoulders started thinning out. I was sure (and the vet said it was)
it was adreanal. I took her to the vet a few weeks ago and this was
when almost all her neck fur was gone.

Now here's the weird part. I dont know if this is all coincidence or
if it worked and I am a little embarrassed to write this, but... my
vet (who admits he's not very experienced with ferrets) told me he had
a customer who was a beautician and she told him she used this scalp
cream for growing hair on her ferrets who had lost some fur and it grew
it back. He said he uses it (lol) and it may worth a try. So he gives
me ths address of her salon and I go there that very same day. I
thought I was crazy doing this. I know its not possible. Sure enough
the beautician tells me she has 5 ferrets and she used this Biotin
Scalp-Creme, rejuvenating scalp treatment, on some of her ferts and
it really worked. So, I decide to spend the $13. for the small
tube (besides I can give it to my husband to use on his "hair"). I've
been massaging it into her skin about 3 times a week. Now don't laugh
everyone, but Gracie grew all her hair back and never lost her tail
hair this summer. You can't tell she was ever bald there!!!

Is this possible? I have been giving her oral melatonin mixed in her
food for the past year or so, so maybe that did it. But it didn't do it
last year! I don't know what to believe!! Okay now you can laugh. What
do you all think? I don't care if I get ridiculed, cause I will just
laugh with the rest of you guys. The only problem is the vet said he
felt she was a little swollen but he said just keep going with the oral
Melatonin. I've been thinking and I think she really needs implants
this year. But I would love all your opinions (and laughs).

Thanks for listening. You can email me off line or leave mess. on the
FML. Also, how do I convince my hubby to use it?

[Posted in FML 6391]