So I wake up the other day - look at my hubby and exclaim: Oh honey!
What a beautiful day! I'ma gonna go checka da pool and see how warm it
is, in case I want to swim today! This is the point of the story where
I should probably say to you all - I never should have gotten out of
bed this day........

so, I crawl out of bed @ 9:30 am. grab a cup of java, and head out
the sliding glass door to check the pool out - gonna take it's temp I
was!!! Now a couple of my kids were out - Dart (a.k.a.. Delilah) and
Isolde - me little deaf albino girl. Now these two - generally as a
rule, do not like baths - hence, my mistake in thinking because they
don't like baths, - they wouldn't want to try the pool. Unbeknownst to
me, my husband, has been, diabollcally has been conspiring behind my
back, taking the kidlets for swims during the day, when Da Momma is at
work......But hey - did they ever ask to swim with me? Nope. Not Ever.
I mean, come on - they watch Mommy float every day - but did either of
them ever ask me if they could go swimming? Did either of them ever say
THEY WANTED to go swimming? NO! they did NOT......So how was I supposed
to know they wanted to swim? I mean, c'mon, do I look like a ferret
mind reader? So as I am reasonably CERTAIN that neither of them would
do something to PURPOSELY scare Da Momma, I figure - I am in the clear
for sneakin out and right back in - and wouldn't have to worry about
them following me, because they are the "good kids" after all.

Ok - so my pool is literally MAYBE 8 steps outside the sliders - so
sneaking out reaching down to grab thermometer outta pool to read,
should have been an easy task this am. Yeah, right - that'll teach
me won't it......uhm, as I sneak out - and shut the screen
door (or so I thought) I note from the corner of my eye, approaching
at break-neck speed are two blobs of fur. One was pure white (Hi
Isolde...) - the other was pure ....well, uhm - Dart....I, with coffee
in hand - see this from BEHIND me, in the glass of the doors. I see
that one is veering to my left. I reach out to try and grasp Dart as
she flies past me to the left, and as I miss her I see Isolde making a
break for it between my legs....I am able to grab......nothing.......
not a ferret, not a railing.....not a table to drop my coffee cup I am falling forward.....into the pool....on my face.....
inmy nightgown.....with my coffee....go I, suddenly I am wearing two
hysterically laughing ferrets. Isolde (the smart one) takes one look
at my face and makes a break for it. She begins to swim as fast as she
can - away from me.....while Dart being the "sado-masochist" she is -
clings to the front of my nightgown - laughing her furry little butt
off. Yes, she was laughing people! I HEARD her!

So as I am contemplating my current situation, wet nightie, chlorinated
coffee, laughing ferret - I hear more laughter. This time it is coming
from the other side of the glass doors where my husband is holding his
stomach and laughing so hard tears were streaming out of every facial
orafice..... Now normally I have a good sense of humor. Normally, I can
laugh at myself.....however this time.....I was ready to kill ferret
any ferret - doesn't matter .....Isolde by now has found her "floatie"
and has climbed aboard and is laying back - ferrety arms crossed behind
her head. Dart, wisely sensing imminent destruction began to paddle
frantically OFF my chest and towards the steps her Daddy, the warm
towel and safety. Which she no longer felt from me as I was shivering
in the pool, in wet nightie........stay tuned for more: "Ferrets
Frolicking Pool Fun".

Ante up kids - someone else's turn for a minute for a funny story!

Kim and Her Pool Pickled Fuzzies....From The Land of Enchantment

[Posted in FML 6380]