Although I got to stroke your head, hold you and send you good wishes,
the news that Ted aka "Hop A Long" FerretWise Mitchell had passed
peacefully with his Mom and Dad beside him, came with a deep loss. I
can think of no little one who came with such need to Ferret Wise in
recent memory.

Teddy was abandoned at a vet office in Plymouth NH on June 2, 2006. He
was estimated at 5 years of age and had a broken left front leg. With
the help of Steph and her Friends of Ferret Services of Freedom he was
relayed to Concord, NH , transferred into the Ferret Wise vehicle and
arrived after closing at our vets office.

An x ray showed the nasty break of the frail bones in the leg. Ted was
given pain meds and early in the AM I relayed him over to Dr Sandra
Mitchell in NY where she had arranged the skills of veterinarian Dr
Don Factor for the surgery a surgery which involved breaking the bones
and resetting them.

It was a wonderful network of love and kindness that supported Ted in
his healing process. He would remain an adopted companion to Dr Sandra,
her Mom Eleanore and to Bob Mitchell where he would have many ferret
friends and some special buddies Chancey and Watson especially. Teddy
did well though his leg was never perfect, he could scale the carpeted
cat tree and toddle anywhere he wanted. He especially was pleased with
his yogi treats he would stash under rugs for a later date. Teddy had
a perfect love filled life after rescue. The dreams that rescues are
made of.

I am certainly glad I was allowed the time to witness his great forever
home and visit with him again in a recent trip to Maine.

I would like to extend great love and thanks to those who helped cover
costs with Ted's ( Hop A Long's) rescue adventure & care, and to those
who support the work of Ferret Wise as we continue to assist the
hospice network of unwanted ferrets and continue to refer ferrets into
second homes and not least to educate the public on behalf of ferrets

And certainly I would like to send undying gratitude to Dr Mitchell,
who not only opened her heart, but her home in providing Ted with all
the advantages of a loved companion and expert veterinary care. He had
not been feeling well as of late but her expert care kept him happy,
and able to stash his favorite Yogi treats!

Ted developed a palatine artery bleed last weekend which is suspected
of being caused by his favorite kibble. I was fortunate enough to
witness the expert care and love as Dr Sandra sedated him and
cauterized the bleed with silver nitrate. His PCV values were half of
normal, he had lost a fair amount of blood.... later lab results who
show that he had no platelets... he was in full renal failure. At home
with the love of his folks by his side Ted was allowed to drift off to
Rainbbow Bridge. He certainly leaves behind some teary humans.... he
also is now reunited with his ferret friends that left before him.
Dance proud our Hop A Long boy. You lived through pain and loved the
best. We will all miss you so very very much.

Alicia, a shelter Mom

[Posted in FML 6390]