"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her"
John 8:7

As a rule I try to stay out of all this nastiness but in the case of
today's negative post regarding "Distemper in Shelter", I feel the need
to return the ROCK that was cast at Jenny Peterson! And to thank Jenny
her for the heart wrenching post in the attempt to help and warn

I am disappointed when I see flames thrown on the fml! Is this not a
place of learning and sharing? Is there really the need to belittle or
insult others? I think not. This kind of post discourages people from
posting valuable information that newcomers may not be aware of. If you
disagree with someone or are "flabbergasted", there are much kinder
and more productive ways to deal with your differences. I would not
be writing this post had you, Jonathan, maybe posted something like,
"Ferrets for Dummies has some very helpful information in chapters....
that might help you in your efforts to help and re-home ferrets" PERIOD

People, please remember that everyone has a heart and feelings when you
post on the fml.

Respectfully submitted to Big and all that read the fml.

Karen Young
Ferret Affair

[Moderator's note: This post, and the one above it, make it apparent
that perhaps Jonathan's post was misunderstood. I don't think he was
implying JENNY's shelter needed to read Ferrets for Dummies, I believe
he meant the South Animal Care Center shelter needed to read the book!
I had the same thought as the above posters when I first saw Jonathan's
post and considered writing him to explain the situation, but I quickly
decided, as did Staci, what Jonathan must have meant and let the post
through. I hope we were correct. BIG]

[Posted in FML 6389]