Misty says:
>So because Maren feels the way she does about snakes and I feel the
>way I do about feeding live animals to ferrets we are closed mined

NO, your minds are closed because you want to IMPOSE your ideals upon
other pet and ferret owners. It matters not, to me, what you FEEL - but
that you want to create LAWS that force your views upon other people
that do NOT think or "feel" as you do.

Yes, people that feed large snakes SHOULD feed RABBITS, guinea pigs,
even piglets instead of ferrets; how is that "baiting" ANYone?

>If Kim were trying to make ONLY the point to Maren about her pushing
>laws then why bring up the idea of feeding live pray?

I have had both Guinea Pigs and Rabbits as pets and my Pot Belly pig
who turned 10 this year, was born in my home! I can easily separate
"PETS" from feeders, and realize that animals intended as food obtain
optimal health when offered proper housing, food, exercise and mental
stimulation; this in turn, offers optimum nutrition to the animal they
are fed to.

>Why go into such detail?

Because some people need things spelled out, and also I can be

>Why would you tell us the 2 of your ferrets are eating a mouse you
>threw away because it no longer is producing for you?

The mouse was not "thrown away", the mouse was CULLED because it was no
longer beneficial to breed her - her last litter was very small - only
4 pups, and she was showing little interest in caring for them. They
were small and didn't thrive well. Culling is exactly what ranchers
do with stock that doesn't promote healthy offspring. Rather than put
feed, litter and time into caring for a mouse that would no longer
offer a return for my investment, I in turn allowed my ferrets to gain
the benefit of her nutrients because she was a large mouse and could
offer quality nutrients. I certainly was not about to let her waste
away, die a slow death from "old age" or make her endure the very real
actions of her bin mates attacking her, keeping her away from food
and evicting her from the nest because she WAS old! The fact remains
that the mouse was bred from parents in my home, raised in a healthy
environment, fed healthy natural, NON processed foods, allowed chew
toys, room to tunnel, burrow, climb and nest, was bred at an
appropriate age and produced several litters of healthy pups, which
some in turn went on to become breeders and others were in turn fed,
housed allowed room to grow and then got invited to dinner!

>You could have stopped after explaining to Maren what you knew would
>be helpful to her. Which I am indeed grateful for as it seems was

I COULD have rolled my eyes and ignored Maren's post as well as yours
and chalked the posts up to yet one more instance of hot headed,
emotional, bunny huggers on the rampage demanding all animals live in
peace and harmony and be forced to become vegetarians too! But I chose
to get involved, I posted a calm, well thought out response to implore
people to don their thinking caps before "going off half-cocked" and
cramming their views down other's throats.

Maren has let us know that true to that guy's nature, he was doing more
than one illegitimate thing and the laws already on the books will
likely do him in, as well as several of his cronies! It really is NOT
necessary to create yet one MORE law!

>Do not ever attempt to say how I am feeling.

Your words were, and are, very clear indications of how you feel  - 
there was no attempt upon my part to infer otherwise!

>>Animals have evolved eating other animals and have flourished because
>>of it - hence the predator/prey connotations - there's always a bigger
>>fish - what was a predator becomes prey for another, its as simple as

> Right....IN THE WILD!!

Uh huh, ever watched a tank full of fish? Guppies, gold fish, cichlids
and numerous other fish have been "domesticated" and bred by humans for
the enjoyment of humans, yet they will very happily devour each other
when the opportunity arises! Oh gosh, many fish owners actually feed
"live prey" to their fish too, in order to offer them optimal health.
Even though there are plenty of pretty colored processed fish flakes
and pellets to feed instead! Dear me! Horrors of horrors - even MORE
barbaric pet owners that fed animals to animals!

>Did you really think you would NOT get a response?

Never did I indicate any responses were to be forth coming. People are
free to engage their keyboards or not.

>From quite a few folks who have email me privately they do not bother
>to respond to you and equate you with Ed. They simply pass by your

One could deduce that if these so called people are privately mailing
you responses to my post - that they did indeed actually read what I
wrote! Elementary Watson, elementary!

As for being equated with ED - pshaw! I've never authored anything
CLOSE to what Mr. Lipinski has, and never would! Neither are my ferrets
in the shape his apparently were. Albeit I AM outspoken about feeding
naturally which is in direct opposition to what is currently the norm.

>Sorry though I am not one who will sit by and not speak.

No, you stand up, shout and stomp your feet!

>So why then does Mother Nature give them defense mechanisms? All
>animals, in the wild, have some sort of defense.

What defenses have domestication removed from the mouse, rat, cat,
dog, ferret or rabbit? They all retain their teeth, claws, reactions
and instincts of their wild counterparts and ancestors. While some
instincts are subdued it doesn't take long for them to resurface and
become fully engaged! One litter is all it takes for a cat to become
feral. By the third generation a dog is considered feral. Mice and rats
will go feral within weeks of being free from a cage! Rabbits (if they
survive natural predators as well as domestic cats and dogs) will have
feral kits in the first litter! When I put a live mouse in the tank
with my snake, or on the bathroom floor for my ferrets - they have all
their teeth and claws. The mice can and have employed them.

Just as the prey have defenses that mother nature supplied to them,
my ferrets and the snake have tools designed to dispatch the prey
efficiently, quickly and cleanly. The prey are dispatched one on one,
mano y mano; which IMO is more prudent than suffocating the prey with
CO2 by the dozens while the terrified animals scratch, claw, bite one
another, peeing and defecating upon one another while they gasp their
last breath. And it certainly is more humane than bashing their head to
stun them, or stretching their neck until cervical separation occurs
which paralyzes them, but leaves them still breathing and mentally

Ferrets are the ideal rodent hunters and killers - mother nature
supplied them with a keen nose, intelligence, powerful arms, strong
claws, speed, tenacity, and superb teeth spaced and shaped ideally to
easily dispatch their prey! I see no need to deny them what comes
naturally. The ferrets I've adopted that only knew kibble up to that
point have ONLY blossomed and improved when offered the opportunity to
utilize what Mother Nature supplied to them. The fact that they are
domestic and have generations of breeding behind them only ensures they
can readily interact with humans and within a human's environment!

>You talk of throwing rabbits to snakes inside a cage with no way to
>protect itself.

I didn't say ANYthing about throwing rabbits anywhere - just that
snakes should be fed rabbits instead of ferrets and that my ferrets
DO eat Rabbit!

>This is NOT as nature intended.

"Nature" never INTENDED animals to be domesticated by man! But someone
did, eons ago decide they thought certain animals offered benefits
and could be utilized as tools in order that man could improve their
position on earth. Nature didn't intend dogs to be miniature or have
flat faces or long backs and stubby legs. Nature didn't intend cats to
have flat faces and long fur, or shortened limbs. Nature didn't intend
rabbits to have floppy ears or long fluffy fur. Nature didn't intend
for guppies to be neon, or goldfish to have bulbous eyes. These are all
things bred into the animals by man as man domesticated natural animals
and developed various breeds and types of those animals! Yet for all
that breeding and developing - the animal's dietary needs and digestive
system have NOT become altered! Ferrets were first domesticated to
control vermin; ie, rats, mice and other rodents as well as to aid in
putting food on the table as in HUNTING for rabbits!

>Again who are you to say?

Someone that has perfect "say" over what to offer to my animal
companions! I do NOT wish to have that SAY stifled, limited or denied
by laws enacted from people who cannot see the true nature of their
animal companions.

>That is all I have to say about this.

That remains to be seen... but wait! You've said MORE!...

>Please understand it is not you I dislike, by no means, it is your
 Yet I am NOT the one attempting to enact LAWS to force people to
choose a so called "proper pet" or to prescribe what to feed it!

>And yes everyone has the right to their opinion,

Only as long as that opinion agrees with the "norm" or else keep it to
yourself, eh?

>but maybe next time it would be best to think before you speak
>especially to an "animal lover group."

This is the "Ferret Mailing List" is it not? A place where ferret
owners of all kinds from around the world can share their experiences
with their ferrets; OR is this the "FLUFFY mailing list"? Where the
only things exchanged are sugar coated fluff stories?

What I am offering for my animals is in no way detrimental to their
health or well being. I am able to offer above and beyond what is
considered the "norm". I certainly do NOT need an erroneous law forcing
me to feed them a product that studies, science and nature proves is
detrimental to their health jut because it doesn't fit some one's view
of "ideal"!

please visit :
for ferret help and info:
yahoo groups Natural Ferrets

for fun: 
www.vanityferret.com (password required: "FerretsRfun")

[Posted in FML 6388]