
OMG your post was simply HORRIFYING!

You feed your snakes rabbits!!!?? So why not ferrets? Do you find them
more "warm and fuzzy" than rabbits?

If an animal has been taken out of its natural environment it should no
longer be necessary to feed "live" food. My brother feeds his snake
dead mice. He once place two baby mice in that cage when his snake was
young. Needless to say those mice are now my baby cousin's pets and the
fight we had over that was a thunderstorm. However he came to
understand why you can't just place a live animal with no defense in a
cage to die. Animals in a natural setting have at least some sort of
defense. A way to try a save themselves.

Who are you to decide the fate of any animal? What if a large had came
out of the sky and picked you up placed you in a cage with an animal
that was going to eat you, how would you like it? We, as humans think
we have the right to do such things. We don't!

I do NOT agree that some animals are just meant to be food.

You talk of kibble as though it poison. Do you eat only all natural,
non processed foods? If not you must be killing yourself slowly. Again,
who are you to say that kibble is not good?

Please understand I am in no way trying to be hurtful, even though your
post was abrupt at best

Misty Hosier
Kiki's Corner, Ferret Home

[Moderator's note: Hi, Misty and FMLers. Please remember this is a
FERRET list. Debating the best diet for snakes -- or for Kim! -- is
off topic unless we're discussing feeding ferrets to snakes, which
I don't think anyone on the FML was advocating.

Many long-term FML subscribers know the topic of the appropriateness
of kibble (or kibble vs whole prey and/or fresh foods) is a recurring
theme here. Many people feel there's much to learn and discuss -- and
new subscribers often learn a great deal when the subject comes up. The
trouble is, the discussion always eventually degrades to the point of
being heated and useless and I eventually have to call the topic
closed until "next time". "Next time" varies, but it's generally when
I feel there have been enough new subscribers who could benefit from
the discussion and that enough time has elapsed so that the existing
subscribers won't unsubscribe en-masse at the first hint of the ugly
discussion recurring. "Next time" is not here yet. BIG]

[Posted in FML 6385]