One thing that my ferrets like in a dig box are empty plastic medicine
bottles. I just remove the labels and toss them in. A warning
though.... 2 ferrets plus a bin of medicine bottles equals a lot

As many of you know my Sammy, the guitar playing ferret, left for the
Rainbow Bridge a while back. I never did have the heart to remove his
guitar hanging on his cage. Luckily his cagemate Socks decided that she
had enough of the single life and joined another group. I put Gem and
Sneaky in their former cage. Much to my surprise BOTH have learned to
play the guitar. Sneaky is my reformed face biter, house destroying,
nothing is too high to climb, no barrier will stop her, ferret. For
years I have used plexiglass panels to close off rooms that my ferrets
should not go into. They are low enough for cats to jump over and
people to step over but high enough to prevent ferrets from entering a
room....except Sneaky. How does a ferret climb over a smooth surfaced
panel? I have no idea. Sneaky is sneaky and won't do it when I'm
watching. Doors are now closed when she plays the guitar to get out
for playtime. With 5 musical daughters and a house full of musical
instruments, I am wondering what other hidden musical talents ferrets
may have. They do like to run across the piano keys but how about the
flute, saxophone, trumpet, clarinet and coronet? Any ideas on what I
could call their band? I could be their manager and find some gigs for
them. And how about weddings? Yeah, they could play at those! Two of my
teenage daughters just got back from playing with Oregon Coast Lab Band
called "Evolution" at the big Sacramento, California Jazz Festival. I
wonder if they would like a group of ferrets playing the big band sound
next year? WOW...the possibilities!

Nancy, dreaming of traveling on the road with her musical ferrets.....

[Posted in FML 6354]