Romeo: AKA "Big Papa --R"

It's quiet this evening. Water bottles refreshed, food bowls topped
off. At my feet is Big Papa Romeo. He's learned to stand up on my leg
now and a few strokes of his paw against Dads leg was a sure ticket to
be picked up. My old man, my fishing pal Romeo has had his soupies and
his meds. His day is done. He is telling me its time for a nap. This
weekend Romeo had all sorts of adventures. Romeo has become my fishing
partner. He gets so wiggley he seems so excited when he sees his
harness and leash come out of Dads tackle bag. During his fishing
adventures he's stalked toads, snaked on crunchy bugs. He's checked out
some very fresh hen's eggs, much to the distress of a very upset hen.
He's laid claim to caught trout as long as he is and it seemed to be
headed for his carrier. Kittens seemed like fun to him till a new foal
caught his attention. He's tried his had at log tunneling but that
wasn't dirty enough. And he has certainly won many a young lady's
hearts at the DQ drive through. He does seem to like his fishing trips.

He's not a bad swimmer for a fellow his age. We're not sure of his age,
but he does better than his laundry list of problems dictate. He's
sporting a nice coat of fur now days. Romeo has bulked up a bit. He's
actually quite solid right now. He's changed a lot since he's come to
live here. He's had some very rough days. But I think he's thrived all
in all.

Now that the day is done he and I will go sit on the porch. I'll settle
back in the lawn chair. He'll get his drop of tone. If I'm lucky he'll
lay his big muzzle on my nose for a moment or he'll nose through my
mustache. He'll sample some of dad's lemonade, he'll move so he's gets
scritches in that perfect spot. He'll sniff at the lite breeze. He'll
hide his muzzle in the neck of my shirt. Maybe there will be a wag of
tail, a sigh and his nap.

I guess life is good tonight, everything has balanced for Romao : Big
Papa R chased of toads.

[Posted in FML 6379]